What is the use of Text output value in QTP? 

Answer posted by shreethik on 2005-06-09 08:36:38: Output values enable to view the values that the application talkes during run time.When paramaterised, the values change for each iteration.Thus by creating output values, we can capture the values that the application takes for each run and output them to the data table.

Showing Answers 1 - 27 of 27 Answers


  • Jun 9th, 2005

Output values enable to view the values that the application talkes during run time.When paramaterised, the values change for each iteration.Thus by creating output values, we can capture the values that the application takes for each run and output them to the data table.

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  • Jun 21st, 2005

You can also retrieve data from your 
application and output it to the Data Table, using output values.  
This data can then be used at a later stage in the test. QuickTest displays the retrieved 
data, following the test run, in the Runtime Data Table.

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hari kumar kotha

  • Dec 5th, 2006

It is used for capturing the text value present on object during execution and stores it under newly created column in the runtime data table.

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we use output value cheek point to captuer the output values of the application during script exexution and stores the values in the data table frist colum

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  • May 3rd, 2007

Output value is used to retrieve the runtime values. these can be used as input to next functions or action. To insert output check point, right click on the object in active screen of QTP and select ' inset output value' option and follow the steps

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  • May 3rd, 2007

The Purpose of Output value is, to use the out put of the two values in one frame used  as an input in next frame we use oputput values.

For Ex: THink that there are three frames in an application.
Ist Frame:

Input1:  10
Input2: 20


Output: 30 Next Frame

In First Frame u are doing the addition of two inout value, After Clicking it shows the output of the inouts and think that Ther is a Button i.e, Next Frame...

Second Frame
Input3: Output of First Frame
Input4: 20


Output: 10

In Second Frame We need to substract a value frm out put of First Frame, this is a repitation for 20 times at this time we use the output value option for the outpu of first frame and captures the value and put it in a temparory place (Clipboard).

In second frame we use the clipboard information as a input of input 3.

So this is how Output values are used....

If not clear contact to my id i will help u.. def...

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Text out put value is to retrive text string from Application?at Run-Time. We can store that string to Environment Variable or user defined variable or Data Table. Later we can use that in script


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  • Jul 2nd, 2007

Output values can be used to view the output, stored in some table for future use and documentation
purpose as well as these outputs may be used as input to some other scenario, moreover these outputs are useful to determine the functionality and accuracy of test.

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  • Jul 10th, 2007

Text output value is used to capture value during Run-time and use it again as an input value in the test.

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  • Sep 28th, 2007

Text out put value is future in QTP, this is used for capturing a text value from the application under test, during the run time. Captures the value from the object(object in the sense may from the edit box, ccombobox) and stores it under a specified column in the run time data table.

Out Put value is nothing but retrieving Run Time values of an application or Object.

  but in general dont use output values instead of output value use getROPropert method.

both are same, try to get control on Script.

If any queries:



  • Jun 8th, 2010

By using Text Output value we can retrieve a runtime value form the application or object (object in the sense may from the edit box ccombobox) under test and output them to the specified column in the run time data table, for the future recommendation in our test result and while writing the test log.

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