How will you test a newly installed elevator? What will you be the broad categories of your test cases.

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  • Jul 25th, 2005

go through the requirements.. 
check for the maximum load cpacity.. 
check wheather the system is funcitoning properly.. 
check for the different switches awilable.. 
check their funtionality...

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  • Mar 28th, 2006


1.we test a newly elevater by seeing  its specifications &warnings.

2.checking wether all the buttons are working properly or not.

3.checking the elevater by over wieght Or more weight than the maximum load.

4.checking wether the elevater is stoping at the correct floor as described


  • Feb 2nd, 2007

Can anyone name few negative test cases as well?

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  • Feb 6th, 2007

1.Test for functionality of the lift.Check for no of levels in the building(-1 to 7 or -1 to 6)).Operable level of the lift.(say -1 to 6)2.Check for no of buttons in the lift.3.Maximum capacity(in kg as well as in no of people)4.Check for some alert message if weight is more than max.5.Some usability test-cases like: a)the height of the buttons(for short height people). b)Fan button c)Alarm button in case of emergency d)availability of phone in case of emergency. e)Exit door at top. f)Light facility in the lift. g)some back-up power mode in case of power cut(advanced feature).6.Check for up and down button at each floor.7.check for scenarios like if person is on sixth floor and lift is in 1st floor, if a user at 4th floor wants to go down by pressing the down button whether the lift stops at 4th and then he is able to go down or the lift goes up(starvation and deadlock issues are handled)many more test cases are there..........


  • Oct 19th, 2007

First of all test the fun obvious part,
how much weight can it handle!

If that one fails
dont worry about anything else

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

Level Sensors
  Order the elevator to go to each floor.  Observe if it stops at the correct position.

Door Open, Door Close, test these on one of the floors.

Try ordering the elevator to go to a floor which is several floors from the current one, check that it does not stop at the intervening floors.

Observe that doors open and close correctly during all of these tests 

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  • Jul 12th, 2008

Because an elevator is a physical device, it is fundamentally different.  Testing a new elevator to failure is obviously not an option.  After all of the limit tests are performed, you would need to examine all of the equipment again; to make sure that it was not damaged by subjecting the elevator to its maximum load.

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  • Oct 28th, 2008

Negative Test:

Suppose user is on 1st floor and he press button for floor 1 only. Then lift should not move from the position at all. Also the doors should remain open.

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Here are a few elevator tests.  This is not an exhaustive list.


Outside Elevator
1) You can call elevator from every floor
2) Elevator alerts arrival with an audible sound
3) When elevator arrives, it is clear which direction the elevator is going
4) The direction indicators extinquish when its last occupants are delivered to a floor. 
5) The elevator doors open within a reasonable amount of time after arrival
6) The elevator doors remain open within a reasonable amount of time
7) Elevator doors reopen when blocked during closure

Inside Elevator
1) Pressing all buttons from bottom floor causes elevator to stop at each ascending floor in succession. 
2) Pressing all buttons from top floor causes elevator to stop at each descending floor in succession.
3) Pressing only top floor button from bottom floor causes elevator to deliver you to the top floor without stopping.
4) Pressing only bottom floor button from top floor causes elevator to deliver you to the bottom floor without stopping.
5) Elevator stops at next floor in succession no matter when it was pressed.
5) Elevator travels in the same direction until all illuminated buttons have extinguished in that direction.
6) Elevator changes direction when there are no more illuminated buttons in that direction.
7) Elevator remains at the last delivered floor until called upon.
8) Pressed buttons are clearly illuminated until floors are reached.
9) When destination floors are reached, their illuminated buttons turn off. 
10) Floor numbers are accurate and clearly visible upon reaching their corresponding floors.


1) The amount of time (speed) elevator travels between floors meets specification.
2) The amount of time elevator waits between opening and closing doors meets specification.


1) STOP button causes elevator to stop.
2) Pressing ALARM button reaches security within specified amount of time.
3) Elevator can hold 50 percent more weight than specified capacity.

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