What are value sets?

Answer posted by Goli on 2005-05-19 20:20:27: Value sets are the defined as list of possible values for a specific purpose. These are assigned to flexfields. These are the only possible values to be choosen from. This eliminates the data entry errors. 
Ex: COSTCENTER segment in accounting flexfield can have a values set of 1 to 10. You define a valueset as cc_valSet, per say, and assign it to the COSTCENTER. Now only these values can be chosen.

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  • May 19th, 2005

Value sets are the defined as list of possible values for a specific purpose. These are assigned to flexfields. These are the only possible values to be choosen from. This eliminates the data entry errors. 
Ex: COSTCENTER segment in accounting flexfield can have a values set of 1 to 10. You define a valueset as cc_valSet, per say, and assign it to the COSTCENTER. Now only these values can be chosen.

Bonthu N Reddy

  • Feb 14th, 2006

               Valuesets r collection of set of  Values.

There r six types of value sets available in Oracle Apps.

1)  Dependent.

2) Independent.

3) Special.

4) None.

5) Table.

6) Pair.


Bonthu N Reddy.

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  • Mar 1st, 2006

the answer for value set is..value set is that defines the attributes of the segment like data type(value) that is going tostore in the segment. maximum values, and minmum values that a segment can bestored. what is the hierarcy level, validtions type, justfication.

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  • Aug 30th, 2006

Value set is a set of possible values.

There are 7 value set types:




4. None


6.Translatable Dependent

7.Translatable Independent

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  • Sep 5th, 2006

Value set is a set of possible values.

There are 8 value set types:




4. None


6.Translatable Dependent

7.Translatable Independent

8. Special

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Value set is nothing but set of rules or conditions or properties or attributes which are going to enforce or attach to the segments upon attaching value set to the segment your segment behave according to the value set.

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  • Nov 16th, 2011

valuset is nothing but list of values wth validations.it wil restrict the user to enter valid values

There are 8 types of valueset

7.Translate Independent
8.Translate Dependent

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