How to develop a test plan ? How to develop a test case?

Test plan consists of test cases. Test cases you develop according to requirement and design documents of the unit, system etc. You may be asked what would you do if you are not provided with requirements documents. Then, you start creating your test cases based on functionality of the system. You should mention that this is a bad practice since there is no way to compare that what you got is what you planned to create.

Showing Answers 1 - 26 of 26 Answers


  • Dec 2nd, 2005


     test planing begins with kepping some condition in mind.


1.identifying the tactical risks in the project.

2.formation of the testing team.

3.perpering TRS.

4.Reviewing the test cases

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  • Dec 8th, 2005

test plant is prepared by test lead after completion of test initiation.

in that test plan test lead follows some factors. they are:

1. team formation,

2. analyse tactical risks

3. prepare test plan and

4. review test plan.

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  • Feb 9th, 2006

In addition to that, for creating test plan, business requirements (BRD)are also necessary.

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Dileep Kumar

  • Sep 16th, 2006

Hi all,

Chandu's answer is absolutely perfect. I'll add some stuff to that.

Generally test plan is prepared by Test Lead depending on the above mentioned points and Test strategy. Depending on the test strategy test lead prepares Test Plan. Test engineers can be involved in creation of test plan. like estimating time to complete the assigned tasks, project duration, project cost etc.,

Test cases are developed after analysis of Busines Requirements/ Business design documents.

Suppose, gmail is our project.

1. In BDD we have like, user name should be only alphanumerics

Depending on this requirement we'll prepare test data and test cases.


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  • Mar 29th, 2007

While developing the Test Plan we should keep in mind that what is the time we have to complete the Review of documents, Preparation of test cases and for which date on words testing will start. by that a test plan will prepared stating that how many resourses are going to work on those tasks to complete with in time and test cases are perpared by viewing the test scenarios and documents and while reviewing the documents itself test scenarios will be prepared.

So Test Plan is a complete structure of our work from starting point to end point
and Test cases are what we have to test on the application.


  • Apr 5th, 2007

Test plan is verifiable document.

There are three phases of Test Plan, and they are
1. Basic Test plan
2. Half way test plan .
3. Final test plan



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  • Apr 6th, 2007

Test plan document is prepared by the test lead with involument of tesing team in this document he specifices approach followed in the project

Test cases are desigined by the test enginer after test plan is done when he design test cases he go through the FRS, SRS and BRS documents

By depending on the requirements he will design the test cses 

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  • Apr 23rd, 2007


Test Plan is done depending up the project.

Phase 1 : Proj Manager, clients together create a plan for the whole project.
Phase 2 : When the project is broken in to Features/ modules, an individual plan is created.

However, both consist of the same contents.

Test plan has No. of resources working, Time taken, Dependinces, Risk areas, Compatibilities (H/w and S/W), Type of testing , How many test cases can be written, (in some organisations test cases are also included in the plan. But in some of them scenarios are added in to the plan with a break of Usability, Userinterface, Functionality, Integration points etc.), entry criteria, exit criteria.

Let me know if more info is needed


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When a New Project is in Starting Stage or NEW Stage.

After Doing the System study we need to Prepare a Test plan on that Basis:-

What will be included in the Test Plan.

1) Scope of Testing.
2) Schedule of Testing ( Phases Of Testing)
3) Test Deliverables.
4)Release Criteria
5) Risk and Contingencies involved.
6)Cost / man hour

After that the Test Cases are Created and executed.


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  • Jul 16th, 2007

actual process starts like
test initiation--------->test planning------------->test design-------->test execution----->test closure
so ur doubt test planning involves:
team formation
identify risks
prepare test plan-----------what to test, how to test,who shd test.
review test plans

ur next doubt test case:
we prepare test cases from test scenario's
test scenario's includes what to test
and test case is a document which consists of how to test.

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Test Plan is Created at the Initial phase of the project:
Test Plan is Created by Project Lead or Team lead and it consists of :
1.  Purpose
2.  Product Description
3.  Content
4.  Scope of QA
5.  Features [ Functional & Non functional ]
6.  Testing out of Scope
7. Test Coverage
8. Test Entrance and Exit criteria
9.  QA Approach, Process, Strategy & Objectives
10. Testing Guidelines
11. System Component Dependencies
12. Compatability Matrix
13. Tools
14. resources
15. Roles & responsiblities
16. Approvals & Sign off

Once the Lead prepares the testplan it will be sent to the Project Manager for approval and once it get approves then the test plan will be baselined.
 Test Cases wil be developed by Test Engineers based on the current GUI or the USe cases and after the completion the Project lead will verify the test cases and forward it to the Project Manager.

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  • Oct 15th, 2007

Test plan is the first Deliverable from Testing team, so as soon as u get the SRS start preparing the test plan
1) Purpose
2) Scope
3) Test Strategy & Approach
4) Test Deliverable
5) Test Start & Stop criteria
6) Classify the bug types
7) Resource requirement (Both H/w & S/w)
8) Test Objectives
9) Risks
10) Effort estimation


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  • Oct 16th, 2007

Reg. Test Plan:
Test plan is the first Deliverable from Testing team, so as soon as u get the SRS start preparing the test plan
1) Purpose
2) Scope
3) Test Strategy & Approach
4) Test Deliverable
5) Test Start & Stop criteria
6) Classify the bug types
7) Resource requirement (Both H/w & S/w)
8) Test Objectives
9) Risks(imoprtant section)
10) Effort estimation
Reg. Test Case:
Elobrate the Test Objectives(from test plan) with the help of requirments in an excel sheet with Description,Precondition,Procedure,Expected result,Test status,Sevirety & comments(if any)


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I will describe the means to develop test cases in another answer. 

To create a test plan, one must:
1) Read and understand all supporting documents and incorporate this knowledge into the test plan.  Ask questions when details are unclear, incomplete, or entirely missing.  These supporting documents include (depending on industry, company and/or product):
a) Functional requirements
b) Work-flow documents
c) Wireframes
d) Technical specifications
e) Marketing and Legal documents
f) Production System architecture document
g) Test environment architecture document

2) Author a test plan that includes (depending on industry, company, and/or project):
a) Introduction
- Purpose
- Product description
- System architecture
b) Scope
- Test coverage
- Features to be tested (in scope)
- Features not to be tested (out of scope)
- Compatibility matrix
- Assumptions
- Risks
c) Approach
- Test objectives
- Test strategies
- Test environment
- System dependencies
- Test tools
d) Process
- Test process and guidelines
- Priority and severity definitions
- Pass/fail criteria
- Test entry/exit criteria
- Test resources
- Deliverables required for testing
- Roles and responsibilities
- Approvals and sign off

3) Once the test plan is prepared, have it reviewed by peers or by the test manager. 

4) Place your test plan on a share and ask relevant stakeholders (persons who have expertise in areas covered in your test plan) to read your test plan and to be prepared to offer feedback during a test plan review to help you improve upon it. 

5) Schedule a Test Plan Review meeting with all relevant stakeholders.  This can take place in a conference room (in person) or over a conference call (by phone).

6) Faciliate the Test Plan Review meeting covering every detail in your test plan.  Take good notes during this meeting, paying particular attention to feedback that requires changes to the test plan.  If there are no recommended changes, ask each stakeholder for their approval and sign off via email. 

7) Modify the test plan based on feedback during the Test Plan Review meeting and place this revised version on the share.

8) Alert all stakeholders that the revised test plan is on the share and ask them to review the changes and to ensure it meets their approval.  Again, if the revised test plan meets their approval, request sign off via email.

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The method to develop a test plan has been submitted in another answer.

The process used to create test cases are:
1) Read and understand all supporting documents and incorporate this  knowledge into your test cases.  Ask questions when details are unclear, incomplete, or entirely missing.  These supporting documents include (depending on industry, company and/or product):
a) Functional requirements
b) Work-flow documents
c) Wireframes
d) Technical specifications
e) Marketing and Legal documents

2) Create a folder in your test suite (sometimes called test bed) in the quality management system that simply and accurately represents your test project.  This is often labeled by product name and version (eg. Sibilius2.0).  Create folders for each functionality you are testing (eg. Login, Registration, etc).

3) Author test cases which include these sections:
a) Prerequisites (preconditions)
b) Test steps
c) Expected results
d) Pass/fail criteria
e) Comments (if applicable)

4) Map all test cases to requirements.  Provide reasons for any test case that doesn't map to a requirement.  

5) Set priority and severity levels on all test cases.

6) Conduct a peer review of your test cases by asking one or more of the senior testers (or test manager) to review the test cases in your test suite for clarity, accuracy, and completeness.  Have them verify priority and severity levels as well.
In some cases, testing may require coordination with internal or external cross-functional groups.  If so, then have experts from these groups review your test cases. 

7) Once the test cases have been approved, you are ready to begin test execution.

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