How would you test a mug (chair/table/gas station etc.)?

First of all you must demand requirements and functional specification and design document of the mug. There will find requirements like ability to hold hot water, waterproof, stability, break ability and so on. Then you should test the mug according to all documents.

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  • Aug 3rd, 2005

Regarding Testing questions as common very usefule and most of good. 

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  • Oct 29th, 2008

First of all you will need to collect the requirements of the mug, the rules as to how the mug shud respond to different input, like hot water, boilng water or cold water.  Its expected effect on its environment, which would be its output value.  And basically test the mug in the different environments while it contains the different types of liquid to see if it meets its requirements and sticks to its environmental/business rules.

If you are in an organization that delivers requirements and specifications, then
1) Learn as much about the product from requirements, specifications, and marketing branding documents (if applicable).
2) Create a test plan that describes your test environment (eg. hot and cold rooms), test equipment (eg. for load and stress tests), what you plan to test and what you will not test, etc..  
3) Create test cases from the business requirements
4) Create test cases from the technical specifications
5) Create test cases that cover branding issues (if applicable)
6) Map test cases to requirements to ensure all relevant requirements are covered by test cases
7) Execute test cases

If your organization does not have the resources to deliver requirements or specifications and they expect you to perform exploratory or ad-hoc testing, then it is
your responsibility to verify that the mug performs in alignment with company expectations, whatever they may be. 
1) Ask appropriate stakeholders relevant questions that will assist your test effort
   a) Business-related: "What is the primary purpose for the mug (consumer use, decorative, advertisement)?"
   b) Technical:  What temperature ranges is this mug expected to hold?  or  "How will the enamel respond to prolonged exposure to citrus (more acidic) solutions?" 
2) Brainstorm possible scenarios (and edge cases) where the mug may be used.  
   a) Is the mug designed to take up minimum room on a shelf?
   b) When the mug is transported, can it withstand the pressure of a reasonable load if other boxes of product are placed on top of it? 
3) Consider aesthetics as they are compared to competitive products.
4) Document what you tested and what you did not test. 
5) Document your findings so stakeholders can make informed business decisions based on them.

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