Have you used automatic testing tools. Which ones?

If you never have seen automation tools before, do not try to fool around the interviewer. You produce a bad impression when "caught" on lying to the interviewer. However, if you ever used the automation tools, it would be a huge advantage for us to mention them even if those tools were proprietary automation tools of your previous company. Be prepared then to answer general automation testing questions.

Showing Answers 1 - 19 of 19 Answers


  • May 16th, 2006


  • latest version of mercury interactive
  • it supports web applications
  • TSL as vb script which supports .net platform
  • supports xml pages,html pages
  • better version than WinRunner
  • dynamic pages
  •  it supports c++like polymorphism,exceptionhandling

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The best possible answer for this question would be honesty.If at all u have used the tools mention them otherwise simply accept that u do not have sound knowledge in automation tools but typically know why tools will be used for.
WinRunner and QTP are cream of tools as of this day.
A minimal knowledge in any of these will help u placed sooner.

I have used
1. Win runner for functionality and regression testing
2. Load runner for performance testing
3. Test director for defect tracking and reporting
4. Qtp for functionality and regression testing
5. Quality center for defect tracking and reporting.

Quality center is the updated version of Test director.Am I correct?
Qtp is the updated version of winrunner. Am I correct?


  • Apr 25th, 2007

U are correct Quality Center is updates version of Test director.
But QTP is not updated version of WR.
Both are Mercury Interactive tools. Both are used for functional testing. It comes as package. Few applications are supported by both and few individually.

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  • Apr 30th, 2007

Project sizes are becoming big and as continuous enhancements are happening Automation scripts are playing major role in the Testing.

Apart form the Functionality testing tools are used in Performance testing to a great extent.


Coming to your question we are using

Mercury tools to test the functionality and performance of windows client(Messenger) and dashboards apart form this we are using telecom stress tools to test the telecom server functionality these tools are developed internally depends as per the requirement.


We are using Mercury’s Test directory for test management.



Ravi Korukonda

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  • Jun 22nd, 2007

Who are seeking job no need to worry,after getting the job.then it is easy to work on the machine.when u  assigned anywork relating to project u will work 80% of work u will finish.Main one thing is Confidence is main important in testing and Communication Skills is much important than Subject and all. there will be a war between u and developer at the time of ending stage.when u and developers friendly no problem. otherwise it is difficult,So confidence is main even u r telling wrong but tell that with 100% confidence.When i am joining as a testing engineer i dont how to work on excel.

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Rupa Debnath

  • Jul 22nd, 2007

Yes, I have used Win runner 7.0 and worked on it.

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  • Jul 23rd, 2007

Yes i have used WinRunner 7.5 and 8.2 versions. Also i have evaluated few opensource automation testing tools.

Are you looking for automation tools specifically like winrunner or you are ok with opensource tools also.


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  • Sep 16th, 2007

Yes, We have used SilkTest in our project for automation of test cases. We use it for functional testing and regression testing.

Silktest uses an object oriented scripting language - 4Test. It is strongly typed. It also provides built in exception handling (by using do except block) unlike mercury tools where there is no built in exception handling.

Also, the hierarchy of objects follows standard parent-child-grandchild format. for eg. a window is a parent and a menu in that wil be a child and then each item in the menu will be grandchild. (In winrunner i think it is a flat hierarchy)

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