What kinds of testing do you know? What is it system testing? What is it integration testing? What is a unit testing? What is a regression testing?

You theoretical background and home work may shine in this question. System testing is a testing of the entire system as a whole. This is what user see and feels about the product you provide. Integration testing is the testing of integration of different modules of the system. Usually, the integration process is quite painful and this testing is the most serious one of all. Integration testing comes before system testing. Unit testing is a testing of a single unit (module) of within system. It's conducted before integration testing. Regression testing is a "backward check" testing. The idea to ensure that new functionality added to the system did not break old, checked, functionality of the system.

Showing Answers 1 - 50 of 50 Answers


  • Mar 18th, 2005

System Testing is non functional testing in which non-functional requirements are tested for example how much load an application can sustain.what will happen when an application is run on diffrent versions of operating systems i.e in diffrent environments. How the security is implemented in an application. Most common type of system testing areLoad TestingPerformance TestingStress TestingSecurity Testing etc

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  • Jul 13th, 2005

Integration testing: 
Integration testing is testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly. The parts can be code modules, individual applications, client and server applications on a network, etc. This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems. 
System testing: 
System testing is black-box type testing that is based on overall requirements specifications. It covers all combined parts of a system.  
Regression testing : 
Regression testing is re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment. It can be difficult to determine how much re-testing is needed, especially near the end of the development cycle. Automated testing tools can be especially useful for this type of testing. 
Unit testing: 
Unit testing is the most micro scale of testing which is testing particular functions or code modules. Typically done by the programmer and not by testers, as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code.


  • Aug 22nd, 2005

System is do based on the overall requirement specifications but again it is a non functional testing in which the functional logic is ignored and other factors like stress load and performance of the system are taken into account.Generally people do have a vauge idea that when their system i.e application is completed and they will test the combined parts of the system and thus it is a system testing but indeed it is a misleading logic

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Unit \ Module \ Integrated \ Acceptance \ System \ Load \ Performance \ Multi User \ Client Server Testing.

?        Black Box testing is also known as Behavioral or Closed Box Testing

?        White Box Testing is also known as Structural, Open Box, Clear box or Glass box testing

Only when the code is frozen ? meaning there is no more new functionality being added, does System Testing begin.


System Testing ? is evaluating the application performance on different operating systems as specified in the SRS. In simple words creating an environment which is identical to the client setup on which the application will run.

Integration Testing ? is evaluating the application performance after all the module are integrated into one application.

Unit Testing :- is done at the first stage of programming when the developer checks first to see if entered code is functioning for the single unit developed.

Regression Testing :- This is done during integration testing phase. When previous errors are fixed \ or some code is modified, the entire application is checked to see that there no new errors generated due to the errors being fixed or code modification


  • Dec 20th, 2005

Small confussion regarding retesting and regeression testing....... If I am not wrong Re-Testing is related to particular issue fix and regeression testing is related to entire testing of the application just after every Build which seems to be contradictory .

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System Testing:

System Testing does not test the system functions. It comprises of Volume Testing, Load/Stress Testing, Security testing.

The only things we should be testing at the System Test stage are things that we couldn't test before. First, of course, we need to run all the key types of transactions all the way through to be certain that they actually work with everything in place

Integration Testing:

After the pieces of a system are produced, the truly scary part begins: trying to make them all work together correctly. Testing performed to expose faults in the interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components is referred to as Integration TestingIntegration testing is performed to establish whether the components interact with each other according to the specification. "Integration testing in the large" refers to the whole systems being joined. For example checking that a Payroll system interacts as required with the Human Resources system.


Unit Testing:

A Unit is the smallest testable thing. It usually has one or a few inputs and usually a single output. It is often, only tested by the programmer who wrote it.

Unit testing is a critical, but often misunderstood, part of the software development process. Unit testing involves individually testing each small unit of code to ensure that it works on its own, independent of the other units.

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  • Jan 16th, 2006

Thank you very much! information is very valuable and usefull. please email me if you can I have few more doubts.


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  • Feb 21st, 2006

System Testing:-System Testing is a build(.exe)level testing .In system testing we r not cosider the internal coding of the application.Only We cosider the behavior of the application.

Integration Testing:-We r conducting the integration testing after combining the different modules of the application.This is conducted before the System testing.

Unit Testing:-Conducting the test on the sigle module of the application.

Regression Testing:-Coduct the test on the modified build with multiple test is called Regression Testing

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  • Feb 23rd, 2006


Thank you friends for valuable infomation



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  • Mar 17th, 2006

That was a lot of information. Thanks everyone!

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  • Apr 12th, 2006



Thank you friends for valuable infomation

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  • Apr 28th, 2006

System Testing:

                       We should run the test cases  under the controlled Environment (Test Lab)

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  • May 18th, 2006

what is difference between requirement and specification

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  • May 23rd, 2006

Now an confused about System testing.
Does it mean that we test the complete application as per the system requirements document
OR to not test functional aspects but concentrate on load, stress performances.
Please give some good references also.

kumar surapaneni

  • May 31st, 2006

System Testing: is nothing but testing the whole system with respect to srs and brs .

Integration Testing : To see whether all the COrresponding modules are integrated or not .

Regression Testing: Retesting after fixes or modification of the software or its environment.

Unit Testing: is to test the particular functions or Code modules .Thisis done by Programmers not by testers.

Kumar Surapaneni.

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  • Jun 18th, 2006

that was a good explanation. thnx

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  • Jul 3rd, 2006

System testing is not alone nonfunctional it is functional also. Basically it as two type of testing

1.Functional(testing the application with the actual business requirements)

2.Nonfunctional(testing the application with regarding to non functional aspects (i.e) as you told. In general nonfunctional should be load,stress,security,usablity test and so on)

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  • Jul 12th, 2006

Tht information was grt

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  • Jul 12th, 2006

Is stress/load testing done after integration or its also done on each module also? Please clarify this.

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Akash Chandra

  • Aug 9th, 2006


I try to resolve Retesting & Reg. Test as according to my best knowledge. Actually when we add a new unit/module/component to the existing system and ensuring that it wont affect existing control flow of product then it is known as Reg. Testing while Testing the product/system due to ant other reason like checking performance stress etc is known as System Retesting Test.

thanks & regards

Akash chandra


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  • Aug 18th, 2006

Every time i'm gettin confusion, because different answers we had for this question.please give me correct information for System testing.Is there any relationbetween System testing and Integration Testing.Let me know the correct thing of this.I have seen so many answers for system Testing.some people say run on different Operating Systems and some body say testing based on requirements.Iam in dielama please any body help me the correct answer.

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raju verma

  • Oct 10th, 2006


Regression Testing - for eg. supose there is one defect and now defect is fixed ,regression testing ensure that deefct which was earlier is not introduing  more defects .

Re-testing - Retesting checks that defect has been fixed or not.

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  • Nov 4th, 2006

thank u for all who given the answers.....it ll be useful to all viewers......

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  • Nov 8th, 2006

who develops Requriments traceability matrix(RTM)?

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  • Dec 9th, 2006

Re-Testing is testing of a particular feature again and again.

Regression Testing means re-testing of the application after the bugs are fixed to ensure that the code changes doesn't affect the functionality of the remaining application.

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Regression testing and Re-Testing is not the same..Regression testing is for Improve the Quality.. and re-testing is for to test after the error is fixed.. am i right? correct me if wrong..

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System testing is a testing of the entire system as a whole.Integration testing is the testing of integration of different units of the application.Unit testing is a testing of a single unit.Regression testing is testing the application again if any change is made in the application.

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  • Jan 11th, 2007


                                                                                2. NON FUNCTIONAL SYSTEM TESTING.


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durga Karra

  • Feb 5th, 2007

Functional Testing : It is the process of doing test with Possitive and Negative values. and find out the errors within that.. The main idea of functional testing is Find out the errors with possible negative and Possitive inputs.System Testing : Try to demonstrate of a product is not according with the user specification.System testing having the following types:1) Usability Testing2) Performance Testing a)Load Testing b)Stress Testing and c) Volume Testing3)Compatibility Testing4) Configeration Testing 5) Security Testing6) Recovery Testing7) Reliability Testing8) Availability Testing9)Accessibility TestingIntegration Testing : Combination of modules can be tested under Integration testingIt is devided into 2 typesIncremental and Non IncrementalIncremental Testing : The Modules can be done one at a time .The testing can be done in 3 ways1) Top down 2) Bottom up and 3) SandwitchMostly the testers follows the Incremental Testing Under Integration

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  • Jun 26th, 2007

Integration Testing : Combined parts of an application and test the application mainly this testing will use in Client - server testing.

System testing : we will test from end to end testing.

Regression testing : Re testing the application. Once you found the error you send to the developer to fix the bug, after developer fix the bug again the bug will open, instead of testing particular bug we will test the whole application through Automation tool.

Unit Testing : test the pieces of code mainly this testing will done by developers it self.

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Santosh Patil

  • Jul 2nd, 2007

Integration testing is technique for constructing the program or system structure, while at the same time identifying the errors associated with the interface.

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  • Aug 9th, 2007

System Testing is more than just functional testing, however, and can, when appropriate, also encompass many other types of testing, such as:




Browser compatibility


The difference between function testing and system testing is that now the focus is on the whole application and its environment. Therefore the program has to be given completely. This does not mean that now single functions of the whole program are tested, because this would be too redundant. The main goal is rather to demonstrate the discrepancies of the product from its requirements and
its documentation. In other words, this again includes the question, ``Did we build the right product?'' and not just, ``Did we build the product right?''

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I know unit, integration, system and user acceptance testing. System testing is to test as system whole through functional and non functional and usability testing techniques.. where as unit testing testing on module level through basis path, mutuation,
control structure testing techniques. and integration testing is testing interaction between modules. through topdown, bottomup, sandwitch and bigbang testing techniques. both unit and integration
testing are white-box testing techniques.  Regression testing is done after retesting and we check for new/added functionalities effect on modified build.

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  • Oct 11th, 2007

Hi Divya,

Requirements: Requirements are those which is end user needs e.g. Your requirement is Shirt?

Specifications: are those things which is used to fullfill the end user requirement? e.g Buttons, Collar etc

in terms of software, You want a User Name and Password in Login screen, this is ur requirement,

To full fill your requirement,
 User Name should accept 8-20 characters,
Password should be encrypted
these are the specification for the User Name and password

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  • Jul 18th, 2008

Unit testing,Shakeout testing, Smoke testing, Functional testing, Integration testing,
Regression testing, System testing, Load testing, stress testing, Performance testing, User acceptance testing, Black box testing, white box testing, Alpha testing, Beta testing.

System Testing: When tester complete testing, the application has to be tested in real environment. What it means is, since the tester test it in the test environment with the test data, we have to make sure that the application works well in the real environment with the real data. In test environment, some of the things cannot be tested. Although
the test environment is very similar to the real environment, we need to make sure that we get a smooth delivery in the real system as well.

Integration Testing: It is the test to check whether all the modules are combined together or not and working successfully as specified in the requirement document.

Unit Testing: It is a test to check the code whether it is properly working or not as per the requirement. It is perform by Developer.

Regression Testing: When a new functionality is added to the software, we need to
make sure that the added new funtionality does not break the other parts of the application.Or when defects are fixed , we need to make sure that the bug fix has  not broken the other parts of the application. To test this, we perform a repetitive test, which is called Regression test.

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System Testing: Testing the Complete Integrated system that it complies to Requirements specification is called System Testing. Under system testing the entire system is tested against its Functional Requirements Specification (FRS), and/ or System Requirement Specification (SRS) and with non Functional Requirements. System Testing is very crucial. Tester has to test from user's Prospective.

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  • Feb 23rd, 2009

System testing is testing the whole system which comprise of operating system,file system,database management system  and hardwares etc.The objective of system testing is verification.

Integration testing means testing the interfaces which are used to connect the components of system and testing the interaction between the components.The objective of in integration testing is to ensure combined components work properly.

Unit testing is performed by developers and no formal testing process is folloed for unit testing.Developers find the bugs and fix them without reporting them to anyone.
Objective of unit testing is to reduce the defects count.

Regression testing is done to check modifiaction in software or enviroment of software has not introduce any adverse side effects in the unchaged area of software.

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