How would you use ActiveX Dll and ActiveX Exe in your application?

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  • Sep 8th, 2005

An ActiveX Dll runs is an in process server running in the same memory space as the client process. 
An ActiveX Exe is an out of process server which runs in it's own separate memory space. 

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Raj Gujar

  • Oct 25th, 2005

IN  process

  • In Process is which run on same memory process generally dll are in process
  • An in-process component is implemented as a DLL,
  • Runs in the same process space as its client app,
  • enabling the most efficient communication between client and component.
  • Each client app that uses the component starts a new instance of it.


Out Of Process

  • An out of process component is implemented as an EXE,

and unlike a dll, it  runs in its own process space.

  • As a result, exe?s are slower then dll?s because communications between client and component must be marshalled across process boundaries.
  • A single instance of an out of process component can service many clients.
  • Out Process are the Process which run in separate process. Generally exe are out process


  • Nov 7th, 2005

Active x controls

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Tejas Desai

  • Apr 15th, 2006

Activex dll can be used by first you have to create ActvexDll option while starting project and then code the class in ActivexDll give name to class and also to Activexdll then from file option make Dll store some where now this dll can be used in other project open your project in which you want to use this dll goto project->refrences->browse-> select the dll file which we made and now you are ready to use this dll in your project 

No idea about how to use  Exe  working on it

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  • Feb 4th, 2009

ActiveX DLLs and EXEs can be powerful tools for code encapsulation and reuse, and for breaking a large project down into smaller tasks.

The first important difference is that an ActiveX DLL runs in the same memory space as the calling/referencing executable/process, where as an ActiveX EXE runs in its own memory space separate from the calling executable/process.

Based on this understanding, the majority of situations call for an ActiveX DLL for easier binding and better performance. Examples of good uses for ActiveX DLLs are function libraries such as graphics or math functions, and data object libraries such as custom data objects specific to your solution.

ActiveX EXEs may be used to service multiple executables or processes, providing a common shared resource to minimize memory use and share information. This is particularly common with web-based applications, though not exclusive to them.

In parting note, when modularizing your applications, another key concept is interfaces to alleviate upgrade situations where you have previously deployed an ActiveX DLL or EXE and now must update it with new functions and features.

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