Convert any two numbers into words and perform arithmetic operation
We need to have two numeric values which needs to be first converted to its corresponding words and have to to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using it.
Marquee tag xml
Is xml runs on html like javascript or not & also can i use tag in xml if yes then how
JavaScript Memory Leak
What are the causes for memory leak in respect of JavaScript?
Double link Hyperlink in HTML
How to create "Double Line Hyperlink" in HTML?
Java swing
Why is java swing so efficiently used in most graphics programming and not effected by systems graphic properties?
Connect to Database and Execute a Script
How do we connect to Oracle database, execute a script and assign its output to a shell variable?How do we do a bulk load to an oracle table using shell script
Disable back button in Mozilla
How to disable back button in Mozilla?
How to fetch two values from database into two variables in shell scripting.
In order to get 1 value from DB and assign it to variable in shell script i use following syntax:sqlplus /nolog
How to load .so (in linux), DLL in windows in PERL
Would be good if I get the code for it or get idea on how to load
What are the methods of validating whether the form is secure?
There are numerous methods for ensuring the security of a form. Some of them are mentioned below namely:
Check the form action attribute:
Make a check on the form action attribute. That is in other words the form action attribute must start with https:// for ensuring the secure site.
Check the Java Routine:
Make a check on the Java...