HTML Width Attribute
What is the difference between width=”100” and width=”100%”?
How do you mark up a numbers lists so that the elements display as A, B, C?
HTML only method:item 1item 2item 3Note that the type attribute is deprecated and list styles should be handled through style sheets.ol.ua { list-style-type: upper-alpha; }item 1item 2item 3
Content Developer
What does a Content Developer actually do? Is it more on the backend??
Alternate for <blink> tag
What is the alternative tag in HTML for <blink> Which blinks the text that works in Interner Explorer Web Browser?
What is meant by web standards? ">
What is meant by web standards?
W3C also called as World Wide Web Consortium in collaboration with many other standard bodies has designed rules, technology and standards called web standards which are widely used by web users for having a greater stability and security of their materials placed in web. Not only is the use of web standards increase security and reliability it also simplifies the design of the system and there by...
Html Interview Questions