What is meant by web standards?

W3C also called as World Wide Web Consortium in collaboration with many other standard bodies has designed rules, technology and standards called web standards which are widely used by web users for having a greater stability and security of their materials placed in web. Not only is the use of web standards increase security and reliability it also simplifies the design of the system and there by saves time for web users if they make use of web standards for developing the system which in turn reduces the total cost. Thus the materials published with web standards are accessible to many users on the web. The vital point to consider here is when a document is considered to follow web standards it means that it makes use of the following attributes namely:

  • Uses HTML or DHTML


  • For designing layouts instead of going for tables will make use of CSS


  • The document is accessible to all web users. Though the appearance may vary in each web browser depending on many factors like system requirement, operating system used and so on. But the main thing is if it follows web standards then it can be used in any web browser.


  • The document is properly structured.

So from the above it is clear that web standards play a very vital role for web users. To summarize in short the below are some of the points or advantages gained by using web standards. They are namely:

  • Easier to develop and there by also easier to maintain:

    This is because as specified before use of web standards

    make use of structured approach and so the code flow can be

    easily followed by any user and thereby easier to maintain and

    also developed.


  • Can be used with all web browsers

    As explained before though the appearance of the output

    may vary in each web browser, the use of web standards will

    give the possibility of usage across any web browsers and thus

    making it compatible for future usage also.


  • Less time for Download:

    The following of Web standards results in reducing HTML

    and thus the size of file becomes small which in turn reduces

    the time for download or in their words makes the download


Questions by GeekAdmin   answers by GeekAdmin

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  • May 5th, 2008

There is also another organisation called IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). W3C is an organisation only for corporates who should be its members and none else. But IETF is an independent open body open for any one... All IETF standards are RFCs but not all RFCs are IETF standards.

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