If developer naming the bug as a pending Reject. Tester can reopen it, provide instances of the Bug. Bug seviourity & dependability should be mentioned while reporting it Bug seviority& dependability will also decide, programer should accept or reject.
1)Everytime when tester acknowledge it is a bug,he/she has to take snap-shot of this on safer side .2)If you are sure,its a bug,Try to reproduce and to in front of your test lead .3)Mail to resp...
After completion of all possible usability & functional tetsing,the testing team concentrates on other quality factors to validate in that particular build/application.Compatablity testing(Poratbi...
Apr 19th, 2006
hi buddy., here is the answer for silent mode.... You cannot use this function in a test you run in batch mode or in silent mode, because no one is monitoring the computer where the test ...
Using Ghost Images we can test the applications in different configuaration.Nortan Ghost creates the images of primary drive which can be easily restored in couple of minutes. For creating ghost...
Renuka Bhagat
May 15th, 2006
HiBug login is the process of posting a bug into a tool or a uitlity specifying the case under which that particular bug has evolved.When we say posting a bug, it means we are making a note of the bug...
Hi Alpha testing is done for product-based software, example companies develop their own product for Banks or other organizations which are general and any organization can use those products.UAT is d...
Part of Coverage Testing, To make sure that the AUT has no errors/Bugs, Devlopers wantedly Add known Technical errors in Code to evalute the exact bugs as predefined.
Hi Preetam,Its me Gopi K(TATA). Can u plz explain me the about Database Testing?
preetam gochhayat
Apr 24th, 2006
Functionality testing is a kind of black box testing ,to do functionality testing we mainly refers requirment specification ,design document.After going through the document we prepare the flow chartf...
authorisation,acces controlauditcontrolcontinuity of processingcorrectnesscouplingease of useease to operatefile integrityreliabilityportabilityperformanceservicelevelsmain tainabilitymethodology these are 15 testing factors
Test strategy is a document and it specifies approach to be followed by the Testing team.It is a also called as "Test Commencement."scope & objective,Business Issues,Test Approach,Roles & resp...
hiactually test strategy defines the testing approch to achieve testing objective.the components of this document arescope&objective,bussiness issues,deliverables,testapproach,risks and mitigations,testautomation and tools,training plan,change and configuration management.
hi , Translation Verification is navigating through the application to check whether translation(to foreign languages) is done properly. U will have to sit with the Translators (Language Exp...
Path Testing:- Attempting to cover all the paths in the s/w is called path testing.Branch Coverage Testing:- The simplest form of path testing is called branch coverage testing.Ajeet