An application contains many modules and submodules. Testing an application by starting from the sub modules to the parent or main module is called as incremental testing.
An incrementally developed program needs to be incrementally tested or the advantages of careful design will be lost. Incremental testing is made difficult or impossible when small units can not be is...
in lower versions of winrunner tool doesnot identifies the contents in application,so we to show the application first and have to prelearn it where as in higher versions of winrunner while recording ...
Hai, I joined as a fresher in small they r asking to write Test summary report of current,Please give me a sample of summary report. with regardschander
Oct 30th, 2006
Can anyone provide me a test summary report sample in QA environment.
The ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) consists of 6 sets: Service Support; Service Delivery; Planning to Implement Service Management; ICT Infrastructure Management; Applications Management; The Busine...
FUNCTIONAL TESTING means validation of REUIREMENTS MEETING IN BUILD using Black Box Testings techniques such as......Functionality Testing, Input Domain Testing,Recovery Testing, Intersystem (END-TO-E...
Nov 13th, 2006
Functional Testing is a Manitory Part in Black Box Testing .Functionality Testing is also Known as Requirement Testing .during this test testing team validates the correctness of every functionality interms of behavioural coverage,calculation coverage,i/p domain coverage,backend covarageSrinu
Thanks for the reply.How will we test hardware in system testing?
Nov 22nd, 2006
In actual practice Integration testing means testing the interfaces of the appliction after merging the code. It means whether the merge is successful according to the customer requirement or not. Che...
Developer machine will have .dlls which makes the application run smoothly, but either the test server or the production usually don?t have the .dlls. which may be the problem
Nov 6th, 2006
hi,That may happens for the sake of environmental changes.At developers place they will check in local network...where as tester will test the applications in problems may raise when...
2 files and 2 folders are created when a test script is created.db,exp folders and header and script files. debug folder is created when the test is run.An additional folder will be created whenever the test is run ex.res1,res2 etc.
yes,it is very much possible to use descriptive programming in winrunner.see the below example-lConfirmationDilogWndDesc="{class:window,MSW_class:"#32770"}";win_activate(lConfirmationDilogWndDesc);
Scalability testing:It is done to determine whether ur application scales for work load growth.Suppose if ur company expects some load increase in next few months then u need to increase ur server per...
Mar 2nd, 2006
Hi,A test case design document is in which we will write test cases for each and every unit to check the functionality of every req.Generally it will have TCNo,Module No,Ref No,Test Input,Test Data,Te...
Priority of the bug : tells the severity of the bug how much impact it has on the build or s/w application. Depending on Critical, major, and minor severity of bug ... with how much pri...
Bug Sweep Meeting : I think this where programmers/Developers will sitdown and have a detail discussion over the source to find out the bugs/coding errors/mistakes, before the actual testing process begins.
The primayr perfomence test on telephone is.Test whether the recieved is properly placed.Test whether all the numbers are set correctly.Tesh whether it connected to phone line correctly.The above are...
As per my knowledge they are the negitive test cases, as it is showining the incorrect information .
Sep 9th, 2006
Bug Title : Error in DivisionBug description : Error in Division of Odd numbers in Windows Calculator.For even numbers the division operation is performed well.But for odd numbers it seems like the mu...
At first we conduct Sanity testing to ensure that the application is stable or not to conduct?complete testing on it.?Here we are not executing any testcases.
Jul 25th, 2006
If u have time u can start with usability testing.then u start functionality testing.
Spelling mistakes, If image is looking dull, cosmetic error's and alignment problem is coming under Low severity and low priority...
Jul 26th, 2006
Severity of the issue is given by the tester who raised the issue.Cosmetic issues , spelling mistake,alignment are Low severity issuesPriority of the issue will be given by the development...
Before writing test cases ,first try to understand the user requirements and based on the functionality write the test cases.
Nov 14th, 2006
Before you start testing you need to have a clear idea on what's to be tested. You need to give yourself some time to analyze and research the feature you're testing , for example, read the requiremen...
webbased means one common web server will be there and the entire app willl be placed in that giving one common URl and updations will be done in that server if any for the same URL.So that the users ...