Media File chunksize
How to edit the default setting for the media file chunking size?
Slippage Ratio
What is Slippage Ratio?
Subset of Regression
What is Subset Of Regression? When do you test that?
Types of V-model
How many types of V-models are there? What are the benefits of using V-model?
How to find the current version of Unix OS?
Like in DOS we use ver command, then what is in Unix, this I was asked in an interview on testing
QTP frameworks
In qtp frameworks are there modular framework like winrunner what are the frameworks are there? then , what is frame work?give brief explanation
Equivalence partitioning & boundary value analysis
What is the difference between equivalence partitioning & boundary value analysis? Please explain with suitable example
Context driven testing, exploration or specification driven testing
hi every one, can any one please answer to this questions. these questions were asked in an interview.1.What is API?2.What is context driven testing?3.What is exploration or specification driven testing?
Procedure and Data Matrix in Excel Sheet
How to write procedure and data matrix for a test case in Excel Sheet?
Context switch
What is a context switch, and how does it relate to performance testing and tuning?
Test Case for Sorted Singl Linked List
Write test case(s) and explanation the same for below program. (1) Assume two sorted singly link lists. Merge them into a one sorted singly link list.struct Node{int data;Node* next};Implement,Node* SortedList(Node* list1, Node* list2); (2) Write test cases for following function, mention your assumption(s) if any:BOOL CopyFiletoString(FILE *hfile, char *str, size filesize);calling the function like...
CAPPA in Testing
What is CAPPA?
Back end database testing
How to compare two database tables in back end testing?
Testing Interview Questions
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