Project Matrix
Define Project Matrix?
Neutral TestCase
What is meant by Neutral TestCase?
Cloud Performance Testing
What is "in-house simulation" in cloud based performance testing?
Fatal Defect
What is Fatal Defect
Top Time Testing
What is Top Time Testing?
Heuristic Checklist
What is heuristic checklist used in Unit Testing?
Brain Stromming and Cause Effect Graphing
Define Brain Stromming and Cause Effect Graphing? With Eg?
Finite State Testing
What is finite state testing in software testing?
Coexistence Testing
What is Coexistence Testing? Can you explain and give example it for brief?
Chain Testing
What is chain testing and give some example test cases? Is it same as Incremental Integration Testing?
Edit Check Specifications
define Edit Check Specifications.
Configuration management
What is the definition of version,baseline,revision?
Reverse Traceabality Matrix
What is reverse traceabality matrix
Web and Portal
State the difference between a portal and web
Branch Average, Decision Average
What is Branch Average, Decision Average?
Testing-Input acceptance criteria plan.
What is input acceptance criteria plan document?
Simulated data
What is simulated data? please explain.
AQC in Testing
What is AQC in Testing?
Extreme Programming
What is Extreme Programming?
Software Testing Definitions