Test Procedure
What is Test Procedure ? How to write Test Procedure ?
Branch Average, Decision Average
What is Branch Average, Decision Average?
What is End-to-End testing
Testing a complete application environment in a situation that mimics real-world use, such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate.
Testing-Input acceptance criteria plan.
What is input acceptance criteria plan document?
Simulated data
What is simulated data? please explain.
PPQA Process
What does PPQA process area exactly do?
AQC in Testing
What is AQC in Testing?
Extreme Programming
What is Extreme Programming?
Bench Testing
What is Bench Testing?
Defect trucking
What is defect trucking? what are the tools for trucking the bug in real time?
Bi-Directioanal Tracebility Matrix
What is bidirectioanal tracebility matrix?
Staged Representation Initial Process
What is the initial process in staged representation?
Software Testing Definitions