How to use Alphanumeric verification point for a EditBox in Web Application.
While i pointing the cursor to EditBox it is showing as Window.
Rational Robot capture moving characters
Is there any option in rational robot tool where we can capture moving characters or strings which are basically used in mobiles it may be emulator or in the target(Handset).Which should recognise the application properly with PDK supporting nature(phone development kit) not detecting by windows co-ordinates.
How to replace _VIEWSTATE in rational robot by any variable
so that it will capture different VIEWSTATE for different data while doing load testing .
How to retrieve a particular text from xml or text file during runtime using rational robot.
we have an application(Web UI) on which the data is being populated from some xml or text file. How can i ensure that the data which is being displayed on screen is exactly the same which is there in the file.There are multiple strings in the file and wants to read a particular text from it.So plz suggest the possible way to do the same.
Rational Robot Interview Questions