Hi Uma Shankar,I had tried same statements whatever you had mention. but still it is not identified new property which i had added.Can you pls tell me in details.In any web based application, for Webe...
Apr 14th, 2006
how did u add ie from where?Try changing the property of that editbox in ObjectRepository also.
The QuickTest Plus is a Toolkit which contains extra utilities, documents, and code samples that expand available functionality. The toolkit provides addedflexibility for power users and enables intermediate users to create more sophisticated scripts.
As u said, Environment Variable acts globally.. Then the same action can be done by use of "Global Sheet " also. Isnt it?.If so Then Specifically wats the use of Env. Variable
Apr 7th, 2006
Hi Swapna, Could you please explain Userdefined external environment vars???Pavan.
What is the best way to run the applications in QTP. "Not preferred Record/Playback".Normally people will run from the 'excel'.can you please give me the best idea for this.
Hi, You can do this using Virtual objects. I tried it and worked. What I did was I created virtual objects Like, one virtual object for ListBox and selected the total ListBox a...
Mar 27th, 2006
Actually the Webcheckbox is within a table. So we cannot directly access the checkbox using GetCellData. So we have to identify it as a checkbox object and then parameterize the object using the datat...
Go to path where u saved your script, right click on that particular script and then uncheck read only property.
Mar 19th, 2006
while opening the test the open dialog box opensthere is check box like as read only as it is onthen the test is read only "while open the test uncheck the read only"
Action button is used to split ur recored script this reduces complexcity of script.we can make actions of 2 type reusable action and non reusable action.by creating reusable action&nb...
Mar 29th, 2006
Action button is used to split ur recored scriped into number of action.this help to reduce complexcity of ur script. Scripts are divided in to action at the time of recording or after the complettion...
QTP uses vbscript for recording.all the features ( functions) of vbscript are supported by QTP script.QTP scrips consist of checkpoint,synchronization,DDT functions , iteration repeat statements,action call etc.
hi,You have button called SetAsDefault in Test > Settings > Resources. Create the shared repository and click on the button when ever you open new script it will load shared repository...
Thulasi ram
Mar 20th, 2006
But you have a function in win runner to load a gui file like "gui_load".
During the run session, QuickTest creates a run-time Data Table?a live version of the Data Table associated with your test or component. During the run session, QuickTest displays the run-time data in...
answer b is correct answer, the test retrieves a value at specified point during the test run ad stores it in a column in the curent row of the run-time data table. when the value is needed ;eater in ...
Swapna the variable declarations are correct. We have raised this issue with mercury. They has given some solution such as running .BAT file. We have also deleted the defaut.xls file and created a new...
you need to select multimedia add-in to test flash objects in your test at start menu , or else id you are already opened qtp and want to enable or to load multimedia ad-in, you goto or sle...
Mar 3rd, 2006
U can test flash using qtp only when u install add-in - Multimedia
step into: the functional key F11 can also use to enable step into mode:It runs only current line of the test script. If the cuurent line calls a method, the method(or function, any reusab...
Assign the value of the checkpoint result to a variable. Chek the variable and if it is true, Use ExitTest to exit the testResult=Browser(...).Page(...).CHeck(Checkpoint())If Result thenExitTestEnd if
Feb 2nd, 2006
if a check point fails qtp interuppts the executions and waits for user interaction . it displays a window which contains various options like stop,skip,debug...by clicking stop u can break the test execution