How can you parametrize web browsers ?
1.can we do web browser as a parameterization ? if it how?2. if i have 10 actions when i rename it as last 3 actions can my script run success ? where i can see the renamed actions?
Please clarify me with the cause for this issue.">My action uses both java and web add-in together. While execution, its not recognizing the particular object, saying "The object not found". When tried highlighting the corresponding object manually, its recognizing the web objects as windows object, eg: Winobject(xxx)Please clarify me with the cause for this issue.
What is the similar for Goto specific step or function in QTP
QTP does not support GOTO statement
How to automate excel menu objects in QTP?
Is it possible to automate excel menu items or other objects completely?
Set up an OLEDB connection to from QTP to DB2
I am unable to set up an OLEDB connection to from QTP to DB2.Can you please help me out how to set up this connnection .What are the proviers for the same .Please help me out with the porper connection strings .
Automating SAP application using QTP 9.0 error
I am automating SAP application, using QTP 9.0 and while running the script I got an run error "The statement contains one or more invalid function argument" can someone please throw some light on this as how to debug this error.
Load Testing .NET Windows application using QTP 9.1
We are trying to do load testing on QTP 9.1 for windows application and the application is developed on . Net can we use QTP 9.1 to test the load for .Net window application and can some one help us to do that thanks.
QTP Interview Questions