TDConnection Object
Where can we find all methods and properties present under TDConnection Object?
Quality Center Open Test Architecture (OTA)
How can we access Quality Center Open Test Architecture (OTA) using AOM?
QC Login Credentials
What happens if QTP tries to connect with QC automatically but QC login credentials had changed?
Automation Object Model (AOM)
How can we connect QC with QTP using Automation Object Model (AOM)?
Compare UAT with Production Web Page
How will you compare a web pages one in UAT and one in Production? Can you know what changes have been implemented in the UAT after the enhancement using QTP
QTP External Add-ins
What are the external add-inns supported by QTP?
Copy Datatable Content
How to copy a datatable content from globalsheet to localsheet (action1)?
Read PDF file using QTP
How to read PDF file using QTP?
Get Value from Combo
How to write descriptive programming for getting value from Combo for QTP 10.0?
Update Mode Recording
When do we use update mode in Recording?
Test Tool Tip text
How to record mouse movement and get the tool tip text through scripting.
How can we use dotNetFactory in QTP?
Submenu Items
How to get list of sub menu items in given menu in VB Script (QTP 10.0)?
Accessibility Check Point
What is an Accessibility Check Point? What does it do?
Image Validation support
Image Validation is not supported by which automation toola) QTPb) Winrunnerc) Both of the above
Test HTTP Interface with Dynamic Javascript Components
How to Test HTTP Interface that has dynamic Javascript Components using Quick Test Professional
Select Recording Mode
How do we decide as to which recording mode from Context Recording (Normal), Analog Recording or Low Level Recording do we select for an application? What is uniqueness in each recording mode?
QTP Interview Questions