Starting Oracle Services
How to start Oracle services manually for Oracle database?
Cancel Automatic Recovery
How to cancel an automatic recovery in standby database?
Last Data Refresh Details
Where can we see the last refreshed details of the Database (from Some other Environment Database) or Restored (from some backup)
Database Performance Observation
A user reports that his database is running slow, after 2 days it runs fast, what is your observation?
Backup & Recovery
The tape device of datafile of 1GB, while you are taking backup to disk, a user enters and access/modifies the database, where will this data be stored?
Oracle 10g Database
What are the databases available in Oracle 10g & Which is efficient for application.
Execution Hierarchy
What is execution hierarchy in execution in Oracle forms?
How can we force the database to use the user specified rollback segment?
DBMS Shared Pool
What will be the outputdbms_shared_pool.keep('sys.standard','p');
Recover Redo Logs in Oracle
How to recover current, active, inactive redo log file in Oracle
Reduce Redo Benerations
At the time of hot backup lot of redo will be generated how to reduce that redo generations
Earned Unearned Discount
What is the earned/unearned discount in oracle application?What is the Defaultar?What is the profile class of a customer?
SARS Command
Explain SARS Command
Log Miner
What is meant by log miner?
Oracle Locks Latches
What is the difference between locks and latches in Oracle?
.mdf Extension
What does the extension .mdf mean?
Failover and Switchover Server
What is the difference between Failover and Switchover Server?
Link Server
What is a Link Server?
What is the main difference between RAC and OPS?
Define Oracle DBA with Crossroads experience?
Hi Any body know what is Crossroads skill in Oracle DBA? Please help me.
Oracle Interview Questions
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