PCT Increase Parameter
What is PCT increase parameter in segment?
Why we use Materialized view ?
If it reduce the traffic then please give an example for that one
Oracle Production support common issues ?
Hi I want to know what are thw common oracle production support issues that we face when we deal with banking domain and as general too.
Transactions During Hot Backup
Where will the transactions be stored during Hot Backup?
During hot backup we specify the tablespace during beginning backup mode and now if a user perform some transactions then where such transactions are stored? -
Write the query
A employee getting variable salary like Jan 3000,Feb 5000,Mar 1000 ,Apr 7000,May 500 write query to display his next salary "increse" or "decrese" as compare to previous month ,three column in the employee table empname ,salarydate,salary ?
Difference between Varray and Nested Table
What is the difference between Varray And Nested Table?
What do you mean by Conceptual?
How its helps? Why we go for Conceptual Model?
In PL/SQL if we write select statement with INTO clause it may return two exceptions NO_DATA_FOUND or TOO_MANY_ROW .To avoid these execeptions. How do you write SQL statement in alternative way?
SQL Query to find Nth maximum of Nth row?
1. Queries for Nth maximum Nth row?2. In One table there are 5 fields. empno, ename, deptcd, managr_id, salary.Select the departments whose sum of the salary greater than the sum of salaries of any department?3. When index will be usd in the Query?
Compute Sum
In order to 'Compute Sum' clause in the SQL reports which of the following is mandatory1) Break on 2) Order by 3) Set page size 4) Set feedback
Open Cursors
If you have an open cursor on a table, modify the same table and commit, what would happen?
Passing a Function name in Parameter
Can we pass a function name as a parameter value?? will it have any effect in performance degradation when used in a Large online transaction process?
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