What are various privileges that a user can grant to another user?
What is difference between SUBSTR and INSTR?
SUBSTR returns a specified portion of a string eg SUBSTR('BCDEF',4) output BCDEINSTR provides character position in which a pattern is found in a string. eg INSTR('ABC-DC-F','-',2) output 7 (2nd occurence of '-')
Null Value
How to handle Null value in WHERE Condition?
Difference Between Hash Join & Merge Join
Merge Join :Oracle performs a join between two sets of row data using the mergejoin algorithm. The inputs are two separate sets of row data. Output isthe results of the join. Oracle reads rows from both inputs in analternating fashion and merges together matching rows in order togenerate output. The two inputs are sorted on join column.Hash Join :Oracle performs a join between two sets...
Maximum Limit for IN Operator
What is the maximum limit for IN operator on SQL?
What is the purpose of NOCOPY mode in procedures?
SQL System Time
How to get System time in SQL?
Maxvalue.sql Select the Nth Highest value from a table
select level, max('col_name') from my_table where level = '&n' connect by prior ('col_name') >'col_name')group by level;Example:Given a table called emp with the following columns:-- id number-- name varchar2(20)-- sal number---- For the second highest salary:-- select level, max(sal) from emp-- where level=2-- connect by prior sal > sal-- group by level
What are cursor attributes?
What is a cursor for loop?
Cursor For Loop is a loop where oracle implicitly declares a loop variable, the loop index that of the same record type as the cursor's record.
How will you delete duplicating rows from a base table?
Delete from table_name where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from table group by duplicate_values_field_name); ordelete duplicate_values_field_name dv from table_name ta where rowid <(select min(rowid) from table_name tb where ta.dv=tb.dv);
Oracle SQL Interview Questions