Write a query that display the records based on condition. excluding the record that meets the condition Eg... Select all employees who has same salary as empno 20. My query should return all the rows excluding empno20.

Questions by brl51274   answers by brl51274

Showing Answers 1 - 20 of 20 Answers


  • Mar 8th, 2007

It is very simple ......
select * from table where salary=(select salary from table where empno=20)

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  • Mar 8th, 2007


This will work,

Select * from emp where

sal In (select sal from emp where empno=20)


Select * from emp where empno=20;



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  • Mar 14th, 2007

select * from emp where sal = (select sal from emp where empno = 20) and empno <> 20

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  • Mar 17th, 2007

Hi All,

The query is supposed to return the rows other than empno 20

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal  NOT IN  (SELECT sal FROM emp WHERE empno=20);



  • Mar 17th, 2007

To retrieve all row except eno = 20 and  on basics of salary earning by eno =
20 then 

SELECT * FROM e WHERE sal IN (SELECT sal FROM e WHERE eno = 20) AND eno !=

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M.R.Pavan Kumar

  • Mar 21st, 2007


Check this query. It will also work for the requirement.

Select * emp
select * from emp where deptno=20;

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Hi dude,
if suppose there is a Jobhistory table which contains the following columns in it

here startdate is the date where an employee starts his new job
and enddate is nothing but which determines if the employee is still doing a job or not.
so in this context to your question we may have 2 queries possibly.

select x.* from jobhistory x
where x.salary in (select y.salary from jobhistory y
where y.empno=20)
and x.empno<>20

The above query returns the employees matching the salary of employee 20 irrespective of the current sitution. i.e., comparision to the past salary which the employee has worked for and also comparision with the new salary what the employee is working for now..
so u might have multiple salaries of employee 20 which are compared against different employees in the job history table

select x.* from jobhistory x
where x.salary in(select y.salary from jobhistory y
where y.empno=20
and y.enddate is null)
and x.enddate is null
and x.empno<>20

This second query returns the employees who salary is matching to employee 20
with his present salary.
This query also returns only those employees who are currently working and whose salaries are matching to employee 20 in his current job

I would really appreciate if your comments on this.

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