Copy structure of a table
How can I copy the stucture of a table to a text file.
Create table based on another table
How to create table emp1 based on emp, except comm column?
Securing SQL Scripts
How to secure SQL scripts so that they cannot be seen by others but can only be executed.
Number of Constraints
How to count the number of constraints on a given table?
What is the difference b/w ORACLE and SQL
Create Index
How Create Index in Oracle? explain with example
Data stored in Database
How data is stored in database?
Correlated subquery
display the 5th lowest sal from emp table using Correlated subquery
How can you retrieve the random records from the table?
Hi Friends, One table having some many records but I want to retrieve under little-bit records randomly. If it is possible in SQL then send the reply ? So, I will wait for ur valuable answer...
Maximum PK's and PI's
How many Primary keys and Primary Indexes can we create on a table.How many Foreign keys and Secondary indexes can we create on a table.How many maximum columns can we create in a table
Select 10 Random Records
How to write a query in SQL 2005 in order to Select 10 random records from table?
How to filter the null records in filter by expression?
for example i have 50 columns i filter the nulls in FBE.in filter by exp a parameter select_exp .what function is used .how to write the condition .i take a example on emp file(empno,ename,sal......).how to write the condition in filter by expression?
Oracle SQL Interview Questions