Select comm from emp;
The Null column in the output will come in the last i.e at the end. WHY?e.g COMM 1200 1000 1300 1450 ---- (NULL) ---- (NULL)
Changing Rows into Colums
How to change rows to columns and columns into rows?
Find Base Table of the View
Views are created on the basis of base tablesWhat is the query to know the base table of the view? How to know the details of base table?
What is the use of NULLIF function in SQL?
Matrix Query
Create a query to display the total number of employees, of that total, the number of employees hired in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. Create appropriate column heading from the employees table.
Reversing String in Oracle without using reverse function
How do I reverse a string using only Oracle SQL without using the reverse function??
How do you find the numbert of rows in a Table ?
A bad answer is count them (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name)A good answer is :-'By generating SQL to ANALYZE TABLE table_name COUNT STATISTICS by querying Oracle System Catalogues (e.g. USER_TABLES or ALL_TABLES).The best answer is to refer to the utility which Oracle released which makes it unnecessary to do ANALYZE TABLE for each Table individually.