What are the datatypes a available in PL/SQL ?
Some scalar data types such as NUMBER, VARCHAR2, DATE, CHAR, LONG, BOOLEAN.Some composite data types such as RECORD & TABLE.
What is the basic structure of PL/SQL ?
PL/SQL uses block structure as its basic structure. Anonymous blocks or nested blocks can be used in PL/SQL.
Difference between Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i as a Developer
What are the diffrences between Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i as a Developer, not as a DBA??
What are the return values of functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM ?
SQLCODE returns the latest code of the error that has occurred.SQLERRM returns the relevant error message of the SQLCODE.
What are two parts of package ?
The two parts of package are PACKAGE SPECIFICATION & PACKAGE BODY. Package Specification contains declarations that are global to the packages and local to the schema.Package Body contains actual procedures and local declaration of the procedures and cursor declarations.
What is a stored procedure ?
A stored procedure is a sequence of statements that perform specific function.
Is it possible to use Transaction control Statements such a ROLLBACK or COMMIT in Database Trigger ? Why ?
It is not possible. As triggers are defined for each table, if you use COMMIT of ROLLBACK in a trigger, it affects logical transaction processing.
Explain the usage of WHERE CURRENT OF clause in cursors ?
WHERE CURRENT OF clause in an UPDATE,DELETE statement refers to the latest row fetched from a cursor. Database Triggers
PL/SQL Interview Questions