Take Oracle RMAN Backup for the Specific time period
How to take RMAN Backup for the Specific time period like (01-JAN-2016 to 31-DEC-2017)?
How to schedule Daily, Monthly and Weekly automatic backup in RMAN? -
Tempdb log full on Production Server
What to do when tempdb logsegment is full in production server?
Standy-Primary Archives Lost
In standby you have lost archives and also lost archives in production/primary. What will happen? What steps you are going to take?
Measuring Database Usage
Hi, my name is JĂłzsef and I am new here. I have a database related question. I want to measure how much is database used.
I think to measure database usage I measure data queries. Does anybody has a suggestion which parameter would fulfill this role?
As a database expert, how usually recommended to measure this data. The database probably has 10 million Records with numerous... -
RMAN Logical and Physical Backup
Difference between Logical and Physical Backup
Alter Table in db2 Database
What are the prerequisite we should before doing any alter of table in db2 database?
Disk Space Estimation
For this assignment task you will design a database for capturing student’s assessments marks and estimate the required amount of space.
Suppose we suppose that there are 5000 students at our institution and that on average each student registers for 5 courses in a semester design a database that can be used to capture the registration of courses and eventual capturing of a maximum... -
Database Mission Statement
Give an example of a good database mission statement, and a bad database mission statement?
Load Balancing on Oracle RAC Environment
In Oracle RAC 3-node environment, If one node is down then how will the sessions balance among the remaining two nodes?
JDBC driver
Why the Standard Oracle supplied JDBC driver cannot be used when using a Real Application Cluster?Decribe the differences between an Oracle Real Application Cluster and Oracle Deployed in a Sun Cluster?
Turn three of your Scarlett Talent Agency entities into relations.
Oracle Referential Backup
what is Referential Backup? Which case we use Referential Backup and which case we use Incremental backup?