How to copy the tables from one system to another or from one user to another user?
Means i have 150 tables in one system, i want to copy those tables into another system.
Oracle Explain
In Oracle what is meant by 'Explain'
How to write a query to retrieve only the months from certain given duration.
I will be getting this duration from the dual table. Provide query for this.Like for example, if suppose I am going to get value from the month of 01-Jan-2006 to 31-Apr-2007 then My result should be only 4 months like Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr.Btu not the whole dates. Only four rows has to be retrieved. This should be retrieved from the dual table but not from other tables.
Oracle Dual
Select round(13.19,1) from dual will return 13.2Select round(13.19,-1) from dual ....what will be the output.....IN ORACLE
Cache in Oracle Sequence
What is No Cache in Sequence?
Composite Primary Key
WHat is Composite Primary Key?
Oracle Database Connectivity with C++
How can we connect Oracle database with our C++ program. Explain with an example.
Replace option in Procedure
What will happen if you dont use Replace option in a Procedure when first creating it for first time?
Oracle Basics Interview Questions