Rebuild Index
What is rebuild index, why do we need to rebuild the index?
What is variable size when showing SGA?
Variable portionThe variable portion is called variable because its size (measured in bytes) can be changed. The variable portion consists of: • large pool (optional)Provides working space for rman (although rman will also work without large pool). • Shared pool The shared pool is used for objects that are shared among all users. For example: table definitions, PL/SQL definitions, cursors and so on.
Oracle Exception
How many exception in Oracle?
Sub Queries Alias Name
Oracle 9i Tools and Utilities
What is the difference between the tools and utilities in Oracle 9i?
Is there any syntactical diff bet Oracle 9i & 10g
Is there any syntactical diff between Oracle 9i & 10g or any change in which the Queries are used....It uses SQL isn't it?
Trigger Body
We have a trigger on database. In the trigger body we have created a body using dbms_output.put_line(********) ;How to fire this ?
Null Memory
How to verify null occupy memory?
Store Image in Oracle
How to store Image in Oracle table
Multiple Row Values
How to retrieve multiple row values in a single column
Oracle commit and commit work
What is the difference between commit and commit work
Oracle Basics Interview Questions