Log Switch
What is log switch?
Oracle Exception
What is an exception in Oracle?
Oracle Archiver
What is an Archiver in Oracle?
How to find the Foreign keys of all child tables when pass the Parent Table name.
I developed like below.Any experts query ....please send.selecttable_name,constraint_namefrom user_cons_columns where column_name=(select a.COLUMN_NAME from user_cons_columns a,user_constraints bwhere a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME and b.constraint_type in ('P')and a.TABLE_NAME='DEPT')and constraint_name like '%FK%'
What is meant by deadlock in database?
Transaction is unit of work done. So a database management system will have number of transactions. There may be situations when two or more transactions are put into wait state simultaneously .In this position each would be waiting for the other transaction to get released. Suppose we have two transactions one and two both executing simultaneously. In transaction numbered one we update student table...
What is Clustered Table in Oracle? Difference between Clustered Table and View?
A cluster is a schema object that contains data from one or more tables, all of which have one or more columns in common.
Creating a matrix query
Create a matrix query to display the job, the salary for that job based on department number and the total salary for that job, for departments 20,50,80, and 90,giving each column and appropriate heading.
Reverse a string in Oracle without using reverse
How do I reverse a dtring in Oracle without using PL/SQl and without using the reverse function??
Materialized View Memory Space
How to see materialized view occupied memory space?
Join two Columns with different datatype
How to join two columns which is having different datatype? Say Coulmn1 with Varchar2 datatype and Coulmn2 with long datatype.
Use of Constraint Name
What is the use of mentioning of constraint_name along with NOT NULL Constraint _type while creating a table?
Alternative to TK Prof in oracle 11g
What is alternative to TK prof (used in oracle 9i) in 10g and 11g?
Shashi -
Oracle Basics Interview Questions