Finding errors from Pl/SQL package
How to check errors from plsql package not by log file not by "show err"from sql * plus provided concurrent program name
What is the function BASECONV.CONVDATA(FILED_01,ARG_1,ARG_2) used for ?
Tablespace Management
What are the ways tablespaces can be managed and how do they differ?
Referential Integrity Constraint
What is the role of Referential Integrity Constraint in Normalization?
Oracle forms...
1) How to create login page in oracle 10g forms.
2) How to create an exe file of oracle 10g database -
Performance Tuning
My query was running fine till last month. the query will run for each month end. suddenly it is taking more than 20 minutes for running. the data is increased by 1 million. the index are all working fine . There is no cpu utilization time and also no memory blocks. What may be the reason?The increase in data has happened previous months also
Primary and unique key
In which scenario we can use primary and unique key in same table???????
Flow in Oracle Database.
What happens when a query is submitted in oracle? Please give the complete flow as to which all processes act and how the data is submitted / retrieved to / from the database .
Collection of Privileges
What is a collection of privileges?
Oracle Program
Display list of jobs, number of employees of each job from departments 10 and 20. List only records if number of employees in each jobs are more than 1.
Force View
What do you mean by Force View?
Privileges Granted & Privileges Obtained
Which system tables contain information on privileges granted & privileges obtained?
Data Dictionary
How can we know the all tables and views that are given for the specific user(such as USER_VIEWS,USER_OBJECTS etc.)?
What do you mean by ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK() differentiate them?
Oracle Basics Interview Questions