What does UID and GID signify?
How to compare two floating point numbers ?
how to perform the Arithmetic operations on floating point numbers ?
Shell Scripting question
nishanth.sed1h2,10{H;g}$q1,9dNDinput_fileaabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmscriptsed -f nishanth.sed input_file
Possible reason is max array element size is 4095 which is exceeded in my case. Now my question, is there any settings in shell which i can use to increase the max array element size.
Guys please post ur suggestions.
">Folks,I have peculiar kind of error. my script goes likecat inputfile> while read paramdoArray[$i]=$param y=`expr $y + 1`doneWhen i run script passing very large input file. script abends in the middle of execution saying "ksh: script out of range"Possible reason is max array element size is 4095 which is exceeded in my case. Now my question, is there any settings in shell which i can use to increase the max array element size.Guys please post ur suggestions.Thanks!Sharif.S
Shell Scripting Interview Questions