What are the steps to take files from unix server to windows?

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Jan 31st, 2007


You can use ftp.First open a dos prompt.

Go to the required directory where you want the file to be copied from UNIX system.

Now use command "ftp IP Address of UNIX machine".

Now use the "get" command.

Ex:- get "filename"



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  • Apr 11th, 2007

We need to do SCP (secure copy)

Command is SCP (options not know)

We have SCP clients available for this like WinScp

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Shrenik Jain

  • Sep 25th, 2007

You can use AFS Client installed on your windows machine. There after you can access the UNIX files from Windows.

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  • Nov 3rd, 2007

1. WinSCP from Windows
2. SFU ( NFS client ) from Windows
3. FTP client on windows provied UNIX server is also a FTP server
4. Open Samba/CIFS share on UNIX and access from Windows Client

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  • Nov 8th, 2008

If you're the admin of the Unix server, install Samba on the Unix server for the easiest solution for users more familiar with the Windows operating environment.

Follow the directions with the Samba suite. It's open source and free.

It allows Windows users to drag-and-drop files from their "Network Neighborhood" window, so there's no extra learning curve for them.

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  • Nov 8th, 2008

If you can't get Samba, or you're not the Admin so you can't install it anyway, then use FTP, as it's almost guaranteed to be installed and running on both machines.  The only hang-up is that sometimes the server is shut off for security reasons.

From windows:


Run the command, "cmd"

Enter the command from the "cmd" window, "ftp {network name of unix server}"
This may request a user name and password from the FTP subcommands.  Your Windows user ID might not be on the Unix server, so you may need to specify it with the "user" subcommand.

Then you can use subcommands such as:

Change to a specific directory to find the desired files
cd {directory}

Copy a file from the Unix server to the Windows client
get {filename}

Copy a file from the Windows client to the Unix server
put {filename}


Get a list of other interesting subcommands

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  • Nov 4th, 2009

Most UNIX servers are configured not to use FTP or TELNET for security purposes, and if you use FTP it has limited number of data can be transfered on one transaction hence I preferred using another web application so that if the user's need to get the data regularly they can download it on their PC using the URL of the said application, example Tomcat.

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