A Network Simulator is an object oriented, event driven discrete simulator written in C++, with an object oriented tool command language (OTCL) interpreter as a front end.
Workgroup:1. All computers are peers; no computer has control over another computer.2. Each computer has a set of user accounts. To use any computer in the &nb...
Windows 2000 Terminal ServicesTerminal services may be provided by Windows 2000 server computers. Terminal services can allow remote computers to run desktops and applications on a server as though i...
bhanu prakash
Oct 3rd, 2006
Terminal ServicesFirstly you have to configure Terminal Service in Control panel , Add/Remove Programme.IN Terminal Sevices you can configure your Server and Client PC's through Terminal service from ...
DNS:Domain name server,Domain name server resolves client to? client communicate by host names.it converts ip?? adderss to host names? Dhcp:Dynamic host co0nfiguration protocol.it assigns ip address to all clients automaticallyyy
Feb 24th, 2007
HiyaDNS as ya knw Domain name Server reslove ip in names vice versaDHCP is dynamic host control protocol...dynamiclly assign ipz to machines...in windows jst enbalin dhcp option but in linux hve to configure
Remote desktop sharing means you can access the remote desktop and share the screen in local. But any command you enter would be executed by remote. Desktop Sharing through Netmeeting means ...
bhanu prakash
Oct 3rd, 2006
Remote desktop Sharing means sharing any pc and server's from any system by Connecting through Terminal services and enable the Remote Desktop Connection in all the pc's and type the IP ad...
Hi, Patch management is an area of systems management that involves acquiring, testing, and installing multiple patches (code changes) to an administered computer system. Patch management tasks i...
A Daemon is a process which runs in the backgorund which doesn need any user interaction. Once started it keeps on running and oing its neccessary tasks. A Chron Batch process.... Now these are one of...