Server 2008 R2 Local Administrator Query
Is there a simple solution for assigning local administrator rights to domain users. Say I want another colleague in the IT division to have admin rights to join computers to the domain but cannot modify the roles in the Domain Controller (Server).
Windows 2K3 Clustering and Laod Balancing
What is the difference in Server 2000 Clustering and Server 2003 Clustering /What is load balancing in 2003 Server ?
Excel file displayed in html format when accessed through http
I have an excel file in a remote system, when i access this file using the below url path it displayed in webpage format(i.e .html format) why is it displayed in .html format?http://localhost:8080/eFirstHelp/web/Print.xls
What is a Transaction server?
With a transaction server, the client invokes remote procedures that reside on the server with an SQL database engine. These remote procedures on the server execute a group of SQL statements. The network exchange consists of a single request/reply message. The SQL statements either all succeed or fail as a unit.
What is an Object server?
With an object server, the Client/Server application is written as a set of communicating objects. Client object communicate with server objects using an Object Request Broker (ORB). The client invokes a method on a remote object. The ORB locates an instance of that object server class, invokes the requested method and returns the results to the client object. Server objects must provide support for...
What are called Fat clients and Fat servers?
If the bulk of the application runs on the Client side, then it is Fat clients. It is used for decision support and personal software.If the bulk of the application runs on the Server side, then it is Fat servers. It tries to minimize network interchanges by creating more abstract levels of services.
What are General Middleware?
It includes the communication stacks, distributed directories, authentication services, network time, RPC, Queuing services along with the network OS extensions such as the distributed file and print services.
What are Service-specific middleware?
It is needed to accomplish a particular Client/Server type of services which includes:Database specific middlewareOLTP specific middlewareGroupware specific middlewareObject specific middlewareInternet specific middleware andSystem management specific middleware.
Explain the building blocks of Client/Server?
The client side building block runs the client side of the application.The server side building block runs the server side of the application.The middleware buliding block runs on both the client and server sides of an application. It is broken into three categoriesTransport stackNetwork OSService-specific middleware.
What are the functions of the typical server program?
It waits for client-initiated requests.Executes many requests at the same time.Takes care of VIP clients first.Initiates and runs background task activity.Keeps running.Grown bigger and faster.
What are the services provided by the Operating System?
Base services - It is a part of the standard OSExtended services - These are add-on modular software components that are layered on top of base service
Client Server Interview Questions