Visual Basic Threads
Explain How threads are handled in Visual Basic?
Frame Control
What is frame control? For what purpose it is used?
Data Control
Explain the purpose of data control with example?
Displaying leading/trailing zero in text box
Hi, i have many text boxes to input numeric values in the form. The problem is when my text box lost its focus , if any numeric value entered in text box without any dismal place will automatically display 2 dismal zero. else if no values entered in the text box it should display 0.00 value in it . ex : if i enter a value in the text box : 25 when it lost focus the values should 25.00 if doesn't...
Project Compatibility and Binary Compatibility
What is Compatibility? When do you use which compatibility? What are the primary differences between project compatibility and binary compatibility?
How to check the condition in Msgbox?
If(Msgbox("Do you want to delete this Record",VbYesNo)=VbYes)Then End if
Command Line Application
Suppose i want to run a command line application, open up another Windows program, or even bring up the default web browser or email program... how can i do this from your VB code?
Visual Basic Interview Questions