It is possible to specify the base of the array Other than 0
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: In VB.NET Arrays index always begin at 0.
The keyword to use while overloading operators is:
A) OperatorB) OverloadC) Overloads
Which of the following statement is wrong in case of Constructors in VB.NET ?
A) Constructors are always named as NewB) Constructors do not return anythingC) Constructors can not be parameterizedD) Constructors are implicitly called when an object is created
How do you add Web Methods in VB.Net
A) Add keyword to Method signatureB) Add [WebMethod] on top of the Method SignatureC) Add {WebMethod} on top of the Method Signature
Root NameSpace Of The .Net
What is the corresponding datatype in VB.Net for variant in VB
A) ArrayB) ObjectC) ListD) String
To find out the role of the logged in user, you’ll use:
A) User.IsInRole(“Administrators”)B) User.Role(“Administrators”)C) UserRole(“Administrators”)
Value types represent simple data storage located on
A) StackB) HeapC) Managed Heap
What is the operation that you can not do with primitive types
A) Assign a value to primitive type using a literalB) Declare primitive types to be constant using the Const keywordC) Create a new instance of primitive type with New keywordExplanation: Instance creation is possible only with reference types
Which of the following is incorrect in .NET
A) System.Text.StringbuilderB) System.Collections.CollectionC) System.Data.oledb.oledbcommandD) Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vbmath
cmd = New SqlCommand
Dim InsertString1 As String
Dim txt_batchno(i) As TextBox
txt_batchno(i) = New TextBox
'txt_batchno(n).Text = txtbatchno.Text
n = txt_nos.Text
' For i = 0 To i = n - 1
'compvar(i) = txtbatchno.Text
' Next
' MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(i).Item(i))
'MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(1))
'For i = 0 To i = n - 1
i = 0
' If i <= n - 1 Then
' MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" compvar(i))
compvar(i).Item(i) = New ArrayList
Dim s1 As String
txt_batchno(i).ext = compvar(i).Item(i)
s1 = compvar(i).Add(txt_batchno(i).Text)
' MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(i).Item(i))
txt_batchno(i).Text = s1 'compvar(i)compvar(i).Item(i).ToString
InsertString1 = "select * from brakedisc_info where batchno='" & txt_batchno(i).Text & "'" ' and batchno='" & txt_batchno(i + 1).Text & "'"
compareDS = New DataSet("compare")
DA = New SqlDataAdapter(InsertString1, conn)
DA.Fill(compareDS, "brakedisc_info")
DataGridView1.DataSource = compareDS.Tables(0)
'i = i + 1
' End If
End Sub
Private Sub btn_add_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_add.Click
conn = New SqlConnection("server=acer;initial catalog=breakdiskprocessdata;integrated security=sspi")
n = txt_nos.Text
Dim InsertString1, s1 As String
Dim txt_batchno(i) As TextBox
txt_batchno(i) = New TextBox
Dim flag As Boolean
flag = True
i = 0
compvar(i) = New ArrayList
'For i = 0 To i = n - 1
If flag = True Then
If i <= n - 1 Then
compvar(i).Insert(i, txtbatchno.Text)
txtbatchno.Text = ""
MsgBox("array contains:" & compvar(i).Item(i))
i = i + 1
End If
End If
' Next
' If i <= n - 1 Then
'flag = False
' If flag = False Then
'InsertString1 = "select * from brakedisc_info where batchno='" & txt_batchno(i).Text & "'" ' and batchno='" & txt_batchno(i + 1).Text & "'"
'MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(i).Item(i))
' txt_batchno(i).Text = compvar(i).Item(i)
' InsertString1 = "select * from brakedisc_info where batchno='" & txt_batchno(i).Text & "'" ' and batchno='" & txt_batchno(i + 1).Text & "'"
' compareDS = New DataSet("compare")
' DA = New SqlDataAdapter(InsertString1, conn)
' DA.Fill(compareDS, "brakedisc_info")
' DataGridView1.DataSource = compareDS.Tables(0)
' End If
' End If
End Sub
End Class
Thanks in advance...
">How to assign and retrive values from array, arraylist dynamically........please see the questionWill enter the number of values to be inserted into array in one text boxex: n= txt_num.textand from another textbox I want to insert the 'n' values(ie varchar values)and then i want to retrive the values back such that i can use these values in select stmt of T-sql to retrive the data....and i want to display the data of all 'n' values in one table*here is the code.. for assigning and retriving pl chk this is the main prob...i can write T-sql part..........please helpImports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.DrawingPublic Class compare Dim n, i As Integer Dim compareDS As DataSet Dim compvar(i) As ArrayList Dim conn As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim DA As SqlDataAdapter Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click conn = New SqlConnection("server=acer;initial catalog=breakdiskprocessdata;integrated security=sspi") conn.Open() cmd = New SqlCommand Dim InsertString1 As String Dim txt_batchno(i) As TextBox txt_batchno(i) = New TextBox 'txt_batchno(n).Text = txtbatchno.Text n = txt_nos.Text ' For i = 0 To i = n - 1 'compvar(i) = txtbatchno.Text ' Next ' MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(i).Item(i)) 'MsgBox("value of compvar(i)" & compvar(1)) 'For i = 0 To i = n - 1 i = 0 ' If i
Which of the following syntax is not allowed in VB.NET?
A) Sub End subB) { }C) ( )Explanation: Sub … EndSub is for enclosing method implementation & ( ) for enclosing the condition. But Flower brackets are not valid Syntax in Vb.Net
How do you refer the current class in VB.Net
A) MeB) ThisC) SuperExplanation: Me is used to refer the current class in VB.Net
VB.NET Interview Questions