A ‘for’ loop will run faster in VB.NET or C#?
A) VB.NETB) C#C) Both of them will run equally fast.Explanation: Using default compiler settings, VB.NET includes overflow checks by default, so it runs slower than C#.
How do you break out of Try Catch block
A) Exit Try keywordB) CloseC) ExitExplanation: Exit try will make the code terminate from try catch block.
Which of these tools is used to display the IL contained with in a module
A) ATL Trace toolB) Spy ++C) DisassemblerExplanation: Disassembler is the tool with which one navigate the metadata with in the module
A ‘Stack’ Collection provides ‘first-in-first-out’ functionality:
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: A stack provides last-in-first-out functionality
Clone method can create which type of object in VB.NET?
A) Shallow CopyB) Deep CopyC) Either A or BD) None
TlbExp does the same thing which RegAsm does
A) TrueB) FalseExplanation: TlbExp exports the Type Library information
VB.NET Interview Questions