Passing Value to another Page
How to pass more than one value to another page?
LightWieght Controls
Which control is lightwieght control among gridview, detailsview, formview, datalist and repeater controls in ASP.NET 2.0
MachineToApplication error
Hi all,When i run my project the following error is given It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. F:PRASHANTprojecteRecruitmenthorizonWeb.config 52 Can any one know about this please tell me.
GridView CheckBox
hii firenz.. If we check some particular checkboxes in the gridview ..the complete row must be stored in database..here the gridview contains the columns of different tables.then..How can we store the row data of different column tables...Thanx in advance...
Server Configuration File
What will happen if the Server Configuration File and the Application configuration file have different values for session state?
Handling events in custom control
I have created a custom control to get the values and sum them, Here I am able to get display the controls but I am not able to add the values in the text box which means that I am not able to catch the event handling function how is it to be done andmy second question is when I press the sum button the values in the textbox gets erased should I need to set the viewstate property if so how should i...
Stimulate Processing Model
What type of processing model does ASP.NET stimulate?
In order to use iterators which interface should be implemented
Prevent navigation to previous page
How to prevent user from going to the previous page using browsers back button?
What is main advantage of appdomain in dynamic assembly invokation?
When appDomain is unloaded assembly is automatically unloaded from the memory, that is the main advantage. This kind of architecture is used when we want to load assembly resing in seperate server dynamically.It helps us to create dynamic application which can updates frequently.For more mail me @ indrajitk@gmail.com with sub; AppDomain
ASP.NET View State
What is view state. How is it implemented?
Session.abondon and Session.End
What is the difference between Session.abondon And session.End
ASP.NET Interview Questions