When we call an webservice then it use http as transfer protocal and SOAP as serializable protocal. While in In proc call there is not as such functionality use.
When you POST a form you specify the location where the form data will be sent to be processed. It can be the same page or a different page. This is determined by the value of the ACTION attribute of the FORM tag. POSTBACK posts the data back to the same page and processed.
hido u think autoeventwireup wil help u,certianly not.there is a way to perform this task.y dont u place these user controls in two tables and make them visible true and false simultanesoul...
There is not any special way to show the text column information at asp. Simply take the value in recordset and disply it.You need to apply logic to display the contents in paragraph. You need to split the string into array and then display the array.
Hi,Keep some test procedure in text chnage event of the text box,for examplein html view,<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" AutoPostBack="True" OnTextChanged="Procedure1" Runat="server"></...
Hi,You can write any javascript function in the html page and call that function in the button attribute in code-behind. For eg. in html page, you can write the function as follows:<script language...
1) Yes you can2) you can have 1024 columns in a table 3)These two languages are functionally equivalent, which means that they each provide equal abilities to create Web applications. The differences ...
I think by using third party component, you can make your web service more featurable like HTML editor, RTF and email forwarding, pop setting and more.. you can use freetextbox for your ASP . Net email component.
Programmers are usually very possessive of their code. So if you think you have written this great script in JavaScript and don't want to share it with everyone, you can hide it from the web page sour...
for user control date picker controlplace textbox control ,button control and calendor control1.by default visible false the calendor control2. During button click visible the calendor control3. selec...
Hai, In .net Remoting if u want ur class to be participated in remoting it has to inherit from MarshalByRefObject class so that class definition can be passed by reference Wher...
hai,Server.Transfer()-It ends up the execution of current form and begins execution with new web form.In server.transfer() execution is transferred so that in the url we will find previous...
runat=server attributes informs compiler that the object run at server side which is allow to script server side scripting for that particular control. It's also helps to map html controls if it will add to it.