How many web.config was can have in application?
If we can have many then how to use it or what is the purpose of it
What do you mean by authentication and authorization?
Authentication is the process of validating a user on the credentials (username and password) and authorization performs after authentication. After Authentication a user will be verified for performing the various tasks, It access is limited it is known as authorization.
Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) Fill ( )B) ExecuteQuery ( )C) Read ( )
Can a dll run as stand alone application ?
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) NoB) YesC) Sometimes we can make it by introducing some code
How do you turn off the Session state for a webform ?
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) In Web.config file set the tag to TrueB) In Web.config file set the tag to falseC) Set the Session state to false in webform properties windowD) Set the EnableSession state to false in webform properties window
Which objects is used to create foreign key between tables?
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) DataRelationB) DataRelationshipC) DataConstraintD) Datakey
What is the out put of the following codebyte a=200;byte b=100;byte c=a+b;Response.Write ( C );
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) 300B) Compile Time errorC) Run time ErrorD) Just prints “C”
ASP.NET Interview Questions