1.What is the difference between JCL and JES.?
2.What is the difference between VSAM and DB2? -
Creating model for gdg
Is it necessary to create a model for gdg using IEFBR14 utility after creating gdg, if yes why it is created.
How to use conditional statement in jcl?
How to use conditional statement in job as well as exec statement.with example?
Impact Analysis from ISPF
if i changed one column of table, and i want to know impact of that change?(how do you do impact analysis from ISPF panel,explain in detail?
Coding RECFM=F over RECFM=FB
What is the advantage of coding RECFM=F over RECFM=FB why not F.
JCL Program Execution
If a JCL containing 5 steps in a proc, how will you execute only 2nd and 4th steps?
DISP Parameter
If the DISP parameter for a dataset is DISP=(NEW,PASS,CATLG), What will happen when the JCL is run? The first time? The second time?
Send email from JCL in Mainframe
How to send a Mainframe file to a mailbox using a JCL? Mailbox could be any? What parameters need to be passed in the JCL like - Host address, mail address, etc..?
TSO command
what is an SDSF?
What is the meaning of data definition name (ddname) and dataset name (dsname) in the DD statement?
Data definition name is the eight character designation after the // of the DD statement. It matches the internal name specified in the steps executing program. In COBOL that's the name specified after the ASSIGN in the SELECT ASSIGN statement. Dataset name is the operating system (MVS) name for the file.
JCL Multi Threading
What is meant by multithreading in JCL?
How to update a particular row in a file using JCL?
Any utilities? Don't want to use any programs.
JCL Interview Questions