Space Identifier (ASID)
What is the name of the job that has an address space identifier (ASID) of one?
JCL Steps
How to Run same steps in a jcl 'n' number of time each time with different input files without repeating the steps n times?
What is a PROC? What is the difference between an instream and a catalogued PROC?
PROC stands for procedure. It is 'canned' JCL invoked by a PROC statement. An instream PROC is presented within the JCL; a catalogued PROC is referenced from a proclib partitioned dataset.
JCL DD Statement
The step contains more than 3273 DD statements then what will happen the job if I submit..?
Hi, Can anybody please tell me what is the exact purpose of the CEEDUMP and SYSUDUMP and How effectively we can use them for the problem solving( abend handling)
How do you skip a job and run step 1 and step3 ?
A job has 3 steps by name step1, step2, step3.if i don't want to execute step2, what i have to do.
What is the meaning of keyword in JCL? What is its opposite?
A keyword in a JCL statement may appear in different places and is recognized by its name, eg. MSGCLASS in the JOB statement. The opposite is positional words, where their meaning is based on their position in the statement, eg. in the DISP keyword the =(NEW,CATLG,DELETE) meanings are based on first, second and third position.
What is the purpose and meaning of the REGION keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with?
REGION specifies the maximum CPU memory allocated for a particular job or job step. If REGION is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC statement, it relates to the job step.
What is the purpose and meaning of the TIME keyword and what JCL statement is it associated with?
TIME specifies the maximum CPU time allocated for a particular job or job step. If TIME is in the JOB card, it relates to the entire job; if in the EXEC statement, it relates to the job step.
Sort Card
What is the SORT CARD pertaining to the following statements:SD SORT-FILE.01 SORT REC. 05 NAME PIC X(10). 05 FILLER PIC X(45). 05 DEPIT PIC X(15). 05 AGE PIC 9(3). 05 SALARY PIC 9(6)V99 COMP-3. 05 FILLER PIC X(13).SORT SORT FILE ON ASCENDING KEY NAME SALARY DESCENDING KEY AGE.OPTIONS:a. SORT FIELDS=(1,10,CH,A,774,5,PD,A,71,3,ZD,D)B. SORT FIELDS=(1,10,CH,A,71,3,PD,D,74,5,ZD,A)C.SORT...
How is the keyword DUMMY used in JCL?
For an output file DUMMY specifies that the output is to be discarded. For input it specifies that the file is empty.
Send email from mainframe
I need to send an email from mainframe using the parmcard which has HELO MAIL FROM:RCPT TO:DATAFROM: TO: SUBJECT:etcbut i also need to get the system date and time each time I do so.How do I get that when I submit the jcl which uses this parmcard as input?
JCL Interview Questions