Static Constant Function
Consider a static const function y() that is private member function of a class Y. What do the static and const mean? When could this function be used?
Memory Allocation
When is memory allocated for a function of a class? Is it when the program is complied, or only when the function is called?
Base Class Pointer with Derived Object
Base class has some virtual method and derived class has a method with the same name. If we initialize the base class pointer with derived object, calling of that virtual method will result in which method being called?
Use of C++ in Daily Life
Do you agree or not that "Object Oriented Programming basic paradigms like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Aggregation, Composition, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Templates etc are based and works in a same way as human thinks and behave in our daily life? Justify your answer with very precise and to the point reasons.
Register Relation
Why p++ is faster than p+1?
Given the following class, what is syntactically wrong with the implementation of the display function?class Rational{public: Rational( ); Rational(int numer, int denom); Rational(int whole); int getNumerator( ); int getDenominator( ); friend void display(ostream& out, const Rational& value);private: int numerator; int denominator;};void display(ostream& out, const Rational& value){ out
STL - Vector
What is the context of one and two after the following frsgment of code is executed?vector one(7, string("one"));vector two(one.begin() + 2, one.end()-3);
In the following code fragment, which is the calling object for the less-than operator?string s1, s2;if( s1 < s2 )Choose one answer. a. s1 b. < c. s2 d. none
Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?Choose one answer. a. [ ] b. == c. . d. =
Who can access private data in a class?Choose one answer. a. members of the class b. friends of the class c. everyone d. A and B
Diff betweeen static and local
In the below prog,node * q is local to a function add() but it acts as static .how?#includeusing namespace std;class ll{public: struct node{ int data; node *link; }*p;ll(){p=NULL;}int add(int x){ node *q,*r;if(p==NULL){ r=new node; r->data=x; r->link=NULL;q=r; p=q;}else{r=new node;r->data=x;r->link=NULL;q->link=r;q=q->link;}return 0;}void display(){ node *q; q=p;while(q!=NULL){cout
Plz explain following program
In the below program ,in function add() node * q is local but it acts as static ie I mean it works correctly how is it possible?#includeusing namespace std;class ll{public: struct node{ int data; node *link; }*p;ll(){p=NULL;}int add(int x){ node *q,*r;if(p==NULL){ r=new node; r->data=x; r->link=NULL;q=r; p=q;}else{r=new node;r->data=x;r->link=NULL;q->link=r;q=q->link;}return 0;}void display(){...
Two Dimension Array
A two dimension array can also be thought of asChoose one answer. a. Table. b. Array of arrays.c. A file.d. None of the above e. A and B
Using Templates
What is the disadvantage of using too many templates?
Exception handling vs. return values to signal an error
Why we would use exception handling rather than different return values to signal an error?
Dynamic Binding
Why is Dynamic binding (regarding DLLs) are considered better in comparison with static binding? What are DLLs and how they work?
C++ Interview Questions