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Why p++ is faster than p+1?

Questions by akshay201989

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  • Member Since Jul-2009 | Jul 1st, 2009

p++ is faster because on compilation, it gets translated to three machine instructions, where as p=p+1 needs four machine instructions. All machine instructions take the same time.

For p++, the instructions are:
mov ax,
inc ax

For p = p+ 1, the instructions would be,
mov ax,
mov bx, 1
add bx

This is why p++ is faster than p+1

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Jun 13th, 2009

when the command p++ is given the compiler understands that value of p is incresed by one and wherever p is used (as in the expression u=p/2) it(compiler) uses value p+1rather than p, so
if the code is
int p;
float u=p/2;
   then the lines compiler understands is 
int p;
float u=(p+1)/2;

when this statement is written then the compiler goes to the location where p is stored and increments the value by 1

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p++ is faster because on compilation, it gets translated to three machine
instructions, where as p=p+1 needs four machine instructions. All machine
instructions take the same time.

For p++, the instructions are:
mov ax,
inc ax

For p = p+ 1, the instructions would be,
mov ax,
mov bx, 1
add bx

This is why p++ is faster than p+1


  • Jul 15th, 2009

I agree with sahasranaman. When you look at assembly level, P++ take less instructions than P+1, so P++ is faster, I think P++ and ++P are the same.

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  • Oct 8th, 2009

I think P++ and ++P are the same

No, not the same.

For P++ you have to save value in a temp, increment *this, then return the saved value.

For ++P, you just increment and return -- less work.


  • Feb 10th, 2010

p++ is actually slower than p+1 since in this case there is no change in the value of p. In case of p++, two values of p are to be maintained (value of p before and after incrementing).

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  • Feb 13th, 2010

Difference in assembler code:

$ diff -uN a2.S a.S
--- ++p.S        2010-02-13 15:51:09.000000000 +0200
+++ p+1.S 2010-02-13 15:50:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        subl    $16, %esp
-       addl    $1, -4(%ebp)
        .size   main, .-main

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