How can i retrieve from inside my Bean(Stateless session and Entity CMP) the user name which i am serving (the user name of user just logged in my web application)
Inside an EJB you may retrieve the "Caller" name, that is the login id by invoking: sessionContext.getCallerIdentity().getName() where sessionContext is the instance of "SessionContext" (setSessionContext) passed to the Session Bean, or the instance of "EntityContext" (setEntityContext) passed to the Entity Bean.
What are the call back methods in Entity bean
Answered by Jey Ramasamy on 2005-05-08 19:51:04: 1. setEntityContext() 2. ejbCreate() 3. ejbPostCreate() 4. ejbActivate() 5. ejbPassivate() 6. ejbRemove() 7. unsetEntityContext()
EJB Interview Questions