How EJB improve efficiency when user loading is incresing?

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  • Sep 17th, 2005

In plain English, I think this question is asking how EJB is more efficient as user load increases. The correct answer is pooling. Pooling is implemented differently across application server implementations and slightly different for each type of EJB, but the basic premise is that EJBs are instantiated through the home interface when called. In the case of stateful session beans, user state data is passivated (swapped to persistent storage) so that the bean can service other users until the first user performs another action. For CMP EJBs, a similar pooling concept exists, except using store and load, to get the data that a given user needs. These are just two examples, but the short answer to the question is pooling.

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Sony V George

  • Apr 4th, 2007

We can improve efficency through Pooling. If you are asking how we can balance the load, we can do it through clustering so that we can balance the load. this one will reduce the server balancing. You can take either one .

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