Overloading Performance
If Overloading is not going to help to increase performance then why we need to use same name for different methods?
Why was Java Created?
PlatForm Indepentdent ,security,Garbage Collection.
Garbage Collector
How does garbage collector decide which objects are to be removed? Can garbage collector be forced?
Find the Output
class A{ public static void main(String[] a){ System.out.print(String.valueOf(1)+String.valueOf(2)); String s1="s1"; String s2=s1.toString(); System.out.print(","+(s1==s2)); }}
More than One Class
If more than one class is present in one Java file then what will be the java file name?
What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator?. When i can use Enumeration and when i can use iterator?. Can any one tell me the situation that only Enumeration could able to solve that problem and vice versa.
In Enumeration we cant modify the elements. where as in iterator we can modify the elements
Directories usage information.
Explain the purpose of 'JDK','JRE',LIB' directories.
Class hierarchy of HashMap is as follows
"HashMap extends AbstractMap implements Map"
When AbstractMap implements Map interface and AbstractMap is extended by HashMap, what is the use of again implementing Map interface in the declaration of HashMap?.">Class hierarchy of AbstractMap is as follows "AbstractMap implements Map"Class hierarchy of HashMap is as follows "HashMap extends AbstractMap implements Map"When AbstractMap implements Map interface and AbstractMap is extended by HashMap, what is the use of again implementing Map interface in the declaration of HashMap?.
Downcasting - Superclass Reference
Explain what is superclass reference to subclass object? Why do we go for downcasting?
Create Object Using Clone
Give an example of using clone to create an object.
Core Java Interview Questions