Downcasting - Superclass Reference

Explain what is superclass reference to subclass object? Why do we go for downcasting?

Questions by swapnaskmr

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

We extend a class to provide a more specialized behavior for it in the subclass. For example, consider the class "Vehicle" and imagine a subclass "Bus". All vehicle objects are capable of moving. Bus is a specific type of a vehicle which is quite big and can carry a lot of passengers. A vehicle object cannot assume the functionalities of a bus. For such a case, where we want to perform general functions (like moving) over a very broad collection of classes (like vehicles) even when we have specific objects (like buses), we can use downcasting. It is a way of limiting your capabilities to make sure that all your subclass objects are still capable of doing them.

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Downcasting means using the super class object into the subclass.And we are cating to our sub class object.
Like let's assume super and sub classes

class BaseClass{


class SubClass extends BaseClass{
  SubClass sc=(SubClass)new BaseClass();

Here we are using the super class reference in the type of subclass object.This is called DownCasting.

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